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                 The next morning came, and Pinocchio was wide awake while Bella still slept. Geppetto was frantic this morning, he didn't care rather if the sky was blue or if the birds chirped. "Father, what are we going to do?" Pinocchio asked him in a soft voice.

Geppetto smiled warmly at his son, and lifted him up, placing him on the table. "Don't you worry, I'm sure we'll think of something. We're just tight on money that's all." "So, we can't pay him?" "Business been slow, Pinocchio. I don't know what else to do. We're expected to pay taxes, but not when your money relay's heftily on what we sell here. I'll have to innovate market things; we can't lose this toy shop."

"Oh, I see now." Pinocchio placed his finger to his chin. "Do you think my parents' could help?" "I don't know if they'll be able to help me, Pinocchio." Geppetto smiled. "Come on, let's go to the market and pick up some ingredients, lo facciamo?" Pinocchio nodded, and hopped down. "Is Sophia going to stop by later you think?" Pinocchio asked, looking up at him. Geppetto held him closer, and chuckled. "We'll see, my son."

The village of Citta di mare, was flooded with people this time of day in the late evening. Pinocchio still felt anxious for his father but didn't want to say anything about what happened earlier today. "Maestro, Geppetto we have fresh flowers." A woman smiled, showcasing of her flower cart. "We should buy some, if Sophia is coming over, father." "You're right Pinocchio."

"I'll take a dozen." Pinocchio watched as two fishermen walked up from the sandy beaches, they were covered in sand and smelled like fish. "Well, well if it isn't signore Geppetto."

Geppetto could recognize that voice from anywhere. Lorenzo. "Can afford flowers but can't afford tasks." Pinocchio could feel his face boiling. "Leave him alone, cobarde!" Geppetto held his son back, knowing Pinocchio could get a little hot tempered. "I am not a cobarde, I'm just doing my job. Maybe, if your father would pay his taxes on time he wouldn't be in the predicament he is now." Lorenzo scuffed and turned his heal. Everyone turned their heads to watch the spectacle in front of them. "That kid has some visceras." A man whispered to his wife.

Geppetto realized that all eyes were on him. "Come on, Pinocchio let's go home." He wanted to save his son from the embarrassment of the townsfolk. "We didn't even get the ingredients." Pinocchio protested. "I know." Geppetto saw the flowers he was about to buy still sitting on the cart. He bought them anyway, despite the people gawking at him.  

Pinocchio: The sequelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz