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My eyes still stung from the recent tears. My chest and arms recently left cold at the absence of my mother's arms. Keep it together Liv. I scolded myself. This is what you wanted, leave that country behind. That place. Him.

I pressed my palms against my cheeks the coolness calming me down. Looking out the airplane window I enjoyed the view of my old city as I flew over it...and away.

This is it. My new start, I can do this.


Cars honked and people crowded the streets, I would have never imagined Amsterdam to be this busy. It was my 3rd day here and I was in town to get some small furniture pieces for my new apartment.

So far so good, I still had 3 weeks to get on my feet before my new job officially started and I planned on doing the best with my time.

I placed the multiple bags down on my apartment floor with a thud, gosh...I'd finally made it back to my apartment. The wooden floor, squeaked as I moved, recently deep cleaned by me. My apartment wasn't top class but it was special because it was mine. All mine. The homey feeling already filled the walls, I could get used to this.

Looking down at the to do list I'd left on the kitchen counter, an irritated groan left my body. Id forgotten to get myself a SIM card, but I needed it to get mobile data until I could purchase wifi. It's insane how id gone 72 hours without being in touch with the internet, it truly was lovely.

I left the comfort of my apartment yet again in a rush due to it being close to 5pm, I'd have to hurry if I was planning on reaching the SIM card place in time.

The Amsterdam air hit me like a pillow, nothing like New York's foul stench. I hauled a cab and got in, telling him to take me to what he thought the best phone place was.

Arriving at the place I smiled, maybe I was a little excited to check my instagram stories. I walked in at 16:47 almost missing it. It was an extremely large building, called "Cell-IT" with so many stories I wondered if they were developing some sort of floating iPhone in here. I scanned the signs looking for sim registration, relief embodying me when I finally found it after searching the second floor.

I walked in the modern looking area, and to my disappointment found nobody at the desk. I turned, and saw a woman waiting behind me. "Hello, do you know if they'll be back?" The blonde lady looked up, a smile gracing her face. "I already got helped, but the employee left on a call from the big boss. I hope you get helped though" she said, finishing her paperwork and leaving.

I sighed, checking my watch and seeing 16:56 wasn't exactly the best indication. Having given up on waiting by 16:58 I thought to simply leave, the person had probably already went home. I turned around with haste hoping to make it out before they closed, though I bumped into someone. I yelped, feeling steady hands take hold of my arms and steady me. My eyes opened to see a chest and only when I looked up did I see the man that stood in front of me.

Holy shit...he was freaking gorgeous. Tall...as in really tall, muscled, with thick dark hair and honestly just ARGH. He looked down at me with slight confusion though, like I shouldn't have bumped into him so I stepped back, out of his hold, my hands coming up to rub my arms where he'd held. "Can I help you?" He said, deep and soothing with a slight tilt of his lips.

Only when his eyebrow raised did I realize I probably had to say something, "uhh, yeah? do you work here?" I said, nervously. "Something like that" he said, a deep chuckle following after.

I rubbed my neck, my eyes glancing at the sign. "Id like to buy a SIM card, for my cellphone"

"You lost yours?" Again, his voice...ARGH

"Y-yeah, I mean no..I never had one"

His eyebrow raised again, as he walked around me toward the counter. "You've never had a SIM card?" He said as he started typing something on the computer.

I internally face palmed myself. Stupid, act right Olivia!

"Yes. Sorry. I've had one, just never in Amsterdam"

"Beautiful women don't apologize, Ms..."

"Olivia" I managed to say, despite the blush crowding my features.

"Olivia, here is your SIM card." He said, looking at me calmly. My name rolling off his tongue perfectly. He handed me the envelope, I presume with all the information.

"Thank you" I said, a small smile on my face.

I turned to leave, the air outside the office immediately cooler. I pressed the elevator button and just before I got in..."Olivia"

I don't think I'll get over how he says that. I need to get away from this man.

He had caught up to me and he handed me a business card. "Feel free to call if any problems arise...with the SIM card" I smiled, and took the card.

"Thank you Mr..." I said as I stepped into the elevator. Using his own phrase against him.

"Alex" he said, as his face disappeared behind the closing elevator doors.


I hauled another cab and took my final trip home. A shower treated me well, where after I enjoyed a glass of sparkling wine and watched romcoms.

When I finally called it a night as I switched off the lights I saw the business card. Alex's business card. I picked it up and looked at it, the professional writing modern and crisp. I turned it over and to my surprise a not so perfect writing in pen was there. A number sprawled out with a dash and a "Alex" occupying it. I couldn't help but smile. But a smile was all I could give it, I had work to focus on in a few weeks, I can't let a man occupy my life...not again.

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