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The dress was a necessity. I was going to strut my way into Amsterdam nightlife. That is... after 2 weeks of mustering up the courage. I knew it was slightly risky having no friends and all, but what was life without a little risk.

I checked my highlight one last time in my pocket mirror, fluffing my curly hair that was slicked back in a big puff on top. I stood in line, no more than 4 minutes and once I was in the club a wave of heat hit me like a truck.

Crowded was an understatement

I took a deep breath, "You wanted this Liv. Enjoy it" I dug down deep in my confidence bag and walked further into the swarm of dancing people. I pushed out to the bar, one drink or two should allow me to relax and hopefully meet a person or two.

"Hello there sexy" a voice rumbled behind me. I turned to see a blonde guy, not tall but not short either, he smirked at me, ungroomed scruff occupying his chin.

"Hello sir" I said trying to be polite, as I sipped my pina colada.

"No please. Ryan to you" he said , another smirk pulling at his face.

I looked to the side, trying to show my disinterest. To my surprise I made eye contact with familiar blue eyes. They stared at me. Hard. Alex.

I could only hold his gaze for about 1.7 seconds before I caved and turned back to look at Ryan.

"You get that?" He said, looking slightly annoyed.

"Yeah yeah, sorry" I said. Pushing a loose curl behind my ear.

Ryan spoke about politics and I found out he was a politician, my head was so close to exploding.
I downed the rest of my 3rd drink , already onto the next, anything to make this guy sound slightly interesting.

I fought the urge desperately not to turn and confirm it truly was Alex, for the last 30 minutes but I couldn't any longer. I turned my head to look in his spot, but he was gone...maybe I'd imagined it all.

"Olivia" I turned back and couldn't help my heart jump a beat when I saw him standing right there. He stood between Ryan and I, far too close. Alex looked down at me where I sat on the bar stool, before he turned around to face Ryan who was gone in the next 5 seconds.

I watched as the large man sat on the stool previously occupied by Ryan.

"Usually when I give a woman my number, they call" he said, sipping on what looked to be whiskey on the rocks.

"Oh..I'm sorry" I said, not really knowing what to say. Maybe 3 pina coladas wasn't a good idea because my head grew fuzzy , I can't think in this man's presence.

"What'd I say about beautiful women apologizing" Alex said smoothly, his hand brushing that same stubborn curl behind my ear.

" oh um.." was all I managed, and I watched as a breathtaking smile took over his face, his eyes crinkling slightly.

Oh lord.


Alex's POV

How could a woman be so breathtaking? Id never seen anything like her. She turned me on in every way.

I noticed her enter the club from the VIP area, and I just had to come down. She looked gorgeous showing slight slips of discomfort as some blonde fucker spoke to her. I noticed how he glanced at her boobs every now and then, pissing me off even more.

Her head turned and like a wish she looked me dead in the eye. Shock and realization clouded her face before she instantly turned back. I took a step toward her direction when my phone rang , I groaned looking down knowing I had to take it.


I finally finished the phone call and made my way towards Olivia. She was looking at the place where I was previously standing. "Olivia" I said, instantly gaining her attention. When she saw me  I witnessed the instant shock in her.

I turned scowling at the other guy who thought he had a chance. He immediately understood, got up and left, conflict free.

I sat down next to her, addressing the first thing that's been bugging me for the passed two weeks. " Usually when I give a woman my number, they call" I said , studying her closely.

"Oh..im sorry" she said softly and I almost didn't hear her over the music.
"What'd I say about beautiful women apologizing" I scolded again.

She looked flustered and made eye contact for short moments , "oh..um" she said ,and I couldn't help but smile. It was adorable.

I downed my whiskey , my finger immediately reaching for the bottom of her chin.

She pulled away though. Good. Don't let strangers touch you. I thought , not even offended.

"Dance with me?" She said, slightly awkward as if she were shy. A few moments later.

"Im too scared to go by myself and you're the person I know the most here...so, dance with me?"

I acted as if I were thinking about it, knowing damn well I was a hundred percent on board.
"Alright Liv" I said , the nickname recognized from her necklace. Her hand went to her necklace and clutched it. A small smile taking up her lips.

I proffered my hand, and took a moment to smirk at how small hers fit into mine. I led her to the dance floor and allowed her to go wild.

Man oh man

Could she dance. She didn't really need me, she was the main character. Olivia swayed her hips and bopped her head, her hair coming completely loose. I grew tired of men staring and had to make a point.

I stepped in and took her hand, pulling her flush against me. A yelp left her mouth, and her hands came up against my chest, creating a distance it seemed she needed. I placed my hands on her waist , and she looked up at me.


"Don't overthink it, let's dance" I said, before she could back out.

Her face relaxed, and her body eased up within my grasp. She slowly became comfortable letting the music consume her, she danced against me, following the rhythm perfectly.

I could keep my thoughts at bay until she turned in my hold, her back against my chest and her ass pressing up far too well.

I suppressed a groan, she didn't seem to notice my slight tension as she continued to sway and sing every now and then.

A tent formed in my pants a curse slipping out of my mouth softly. I felt her body tense in my hands, her movements slowing.

Her back still against my chest she turned her head to look up at me. "Alex, what's that" she asked, even though we both knew exactly what it was.

I leaned down, my lips coming to her ear "that's you turning me the fuck on"

Okay! That's it, I'm tired! 😂🤪

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