21 1 0

I clicked my pen open and closed repeatedly in the conference room that was being filled with water bottles. Staff popped in and out, preparing for the meeting.

Facing my chart, I smiled, proud of my work.

"You sure you don't want an anxiety pill? A vape or maybe some chocolates?" I rolled my eyes at Emma's teasing tone.

"First of all, I don't vape and second, I'm completely fine" I said, checking if my slicked back low bun was still perfect.

"Sure, if looking like you have a stick up your ass is completely fine"

I paused, looking her dead in the eye, despite the playfulness on her face, I feared she was right. Maybe I should just chill out.

"Be for real"

"You're fine, relax" Emma said.

"Yeah Emma, telling me to relax is going to magically make me relax" I said sarcastically, as the chart display board got set up, my presentation displayed on the first slide. The half hour I had was now 15 minutes to go.

Emma scoffed, brushing of my jab like a pro.
"I hear the owner of this company is a rare piece of meat"

"Ew what do you mean"

"You know, like he's crazy sexy"

"Jesus Emma, please go away" i fake gagged.

Emma laughed obnoxiously, patting me on the shoulder before she walked down the hall in the other direction.

A few moments later, my 15 minutes had become 5, I decided to save myself the misery and wait by the window, rehearsing as people started sitting down.

The clock finally hit 11, and the meeting started. "Welcome dear colleagues, as we know the market has taken a dip as inflation rises therefore Olivia will represent the way forward." My boss spoke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" I greeted, and started presenting, the words flowed like I'd practiced and the slides went right on queue.

I was halfway through when the burning gaze against my cheek turned out to be no other than...



Alex's POV

I think only I noticed her slight fluster when she locked eyes with me. I dared her to look anywhere else but at me once I'd captured her gaze. At first, I thought my eye contact would scare her off and her speech wouldn't be as good. And maybe I wanted her to fumble a little after how she'd left me, so I had sat upright and stared at her with purpose.

However, Olivia spoke and spoke until she'd finished, not once stuttering or pondering a word. Well done Liv.

Everyone clapped, including her boss , it wasn't a standing ovation or anything but she was successful. She said her thanks and walked back to the corner of the room, focusing her attention on her boss and not once meeting my eye contact.

Maybe Janice was right...she can't even look me in the eye. Are you really a slut Olivia?


I had another meeting to catch in 20 minutes, however I found myself walking in the opposite direction of the exit after the meeting.

I got caught up in useless conversations after the meeting and in well Olivia fashion she'd disappeared.

"Sir, we need to leave" Janice my assistant said with haste, keeping up with me somehow. I stopped, and turned to face her.

"Postpone, and wait for me in the car. Also, inform Margin Marketing that it's a deal and the woman who presented was great"

"Yes sir"

I walked on , searching for her. She has to be somewhere in this building. As if fate was on my side, I saw her name on a door, not bothering to knock I opened the door but to my displeasure found her missing.

She couldn't be far...right? Jesus Alex, she could be anywhere you look like a fool. I turned around walking back the way i came and when I turned the corner I collided with none other than Olivia.

She stepped out of my grasp immediately smiling awkwardly. "Have a nice day" she said and walked into her office.

Right before she could close the door I held it open and let myself in despite her pushing against it. I closed the door behind me and stalked toward her.

I want answers.


Olivia's POV

My heart was racing, the man is the freaking CEO of Cell-IT , I thought he was a humble employee. I flushed the toilet and finally made my way back to my office, I just had to take a moment to recollect. Now I should really never see him again.

I turned the corner and like a sick joke the universe was playing on me, I crashed right into a chest. His hands came up to steady me but I backed away.

Alex looked down at me comically, but before he could say something witty and charming that would make my knees weak , I said "Have a nice day" and rushed to my office. Almost in the safety of my office, I sighed but he held the door right before I closed it. He pushed it open with ease, stepping in and closing the door behind him.

And with every step he took towards me , I took one back. The look on his face predatory. Until my back hit the wall, his arms coming up to cage me right there. I looked down, unable to hold that eye contact. However his finger came to my chin, pulling my gaze back to his. I bit my lip and watched as he studied the motion.

"Nervous?" He said

"I need the bathroom" i squeaked, knowing it was a lie, but I just needed to escape. The worst part about this, was I wasn't even uncomfortable, in fact his close proximity made me feel...a little turned on. Ugh , I hate myself.

"No running from me this time"

"Alex please"

"Please what?"

I looked down again, and again he lifted my chin, forcing me to look at him.

When I didn't answer, he spoke "Come have coffee with me" almost more like a demand.

"I can't, I have work"

"Let me take you on a date then" he offered

"I don't do dates" I denied, slightly shaking my head.

Confusion crowded his features, frustration in the mix too. I didn't want to say no, I wanted to let loose and go. But-but, I know I'll get too comfortable. He's only chasing me cause I'm saying no. When I say yes, I'll get attached and he'll dump me. Men are simple.

"Im sorry Alex, I just-"

"You're just too busy sleeping around?"

Those words shouldn't have cut so deep, but they did. Maybe I was attached already, or maybe I'm just sensitive, but that hurt real bad.

"Answer me"

"Fuck you" I said

"That's not an answer"

"You're the only guy I've slept with asshole!" I admitted, not caring anymore. I was saving myself for marriage actually, but before I left home, I vowed to myself I'd never get married. It's fucked. So what's the use of saving?

I had made a bucket list; go to a club alone , hook up with a hot guy, go bungee jumping, surf...sort of irrelevant right now but you get the point.

I'm not a whore, and he won't make me feel like one.

His eyes widened, shock taking over his expression.

"Olivia, I-"

I ducked underneath his arm before he could talk any longer, grabbed my handbag and rushed out of the office.

My heels tracked the floor faster than usual, yes I know, I'm running again.

That's a wrap pookies! 😝💘

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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