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Olivia's POV

My heart raced, I was afraid it might jump out of my chest. I liked him, I truly did. He was attractive and had a calming sense over me. I know if I stay here any longer in his arms I might just cave.

I stepped out of his grasp, looking at him as he stared at me. He looked like he needed me, every part of me, like if I said any word indicating yes , he'd devour me.

I wanted to, I really did, but the safe route is always better, no men, no heartbreak, no problems.

I turned and walked away, practically sprinting out of the building. I'm calling that a night, hopefully I never see this breathtaking man again. He's lethal.

My wrist got grabbed gently just as I made it onto the street. Alex had me against the wall before I could let out a peep. His other hand came up beside my face enclosing me in his presence.

He kissed me. Desperately and fiercely.

It was quick but still managed to throw me completely off the rails.

He pulled away, looking at me with desire. "Come with me" he said

Maybe just this once, I'll let all my inhibitions go, take this risk , have him and then truly forget he ever existed.

The cold of the outdoors crept up my skin, sending chills but I fear that wasn't the only thing giving me chills.

He bit his lip, slight frustration displayed on his face. "I didn't mean that" he said. He closed his eyes, sighing.

"Ok I'll go with you" I said softly, hoping he'd heard it.

His eyes popped open, stealth blue staring back at me.


Alex's POV

"Ok I'll go with you"

Was all I needed to hear tonight. I looked at the woman sitting on my kitchen stool, sipping on a glass of red wine id offered her.

"You've been to South Africa?" She said, studying the magnet on my fridge.

"I've been just about everywhere" I replied honestly, walking to stand next to her stool.

"Wow, that's amazing. I dream about traveling the world"

"It's not all that great"

She looked at me, that same slight panic in her eyes from realizing how close I was. Anything for the whiff of coconut and vanilla she came with.

"Brag much?" She said breathlessly.

"Maybe I'm biased, I prefer my own country with my own home"

"Oh my gosh, ew" she giggled.

I couldn't help but smile at the sound, I took my chance to brush that same curl out of her face curling it back around her ear.

She stared back at me, surprisingly keeping eye contact. I leaned in, her lips more inviting than ever.

"could I use your restroom?" She whispered, internally groaning i retracted my hand and leaned back.

"Yeah..down that hallway on your left."

Olivia hopped off the stool, following my directions and I took the moment to pack away our wine and glasses maybe I should drop her home before I scare her off.

"Alex!" I heard her voice call out. I walked to the restroom rather quickly, wondering what the matter was.

I opened the door, and fucking hell.

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