❤️‍🩹Modern Madara x genderneutral!reader❤️‍🩹

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A/N: That's right, I'm back bitches. ⚠️TW⚠️ Slight mention of suicide at the end, mention of shooting kind of, very emotional.

"Listen, I just don't love you like that and I feel like I'm stringing you along. We can still be friends but things aren't going to be the same anymore."

The words he messaged me were read aloud as I sat in my bed sobbing. My room was pitch black accept for the small bit of moonlight creeping in through the cracks in my blinds.

"You're a really great person and you've given me every reason to love you. These past 3 weeks with you have been absolutely amazing. But for some reason it just feels wrong."

It was 11pm on a school night, I sat in my bed sobbing until my lungs contracted and my thoat sore from trying not to make a sound. Re-reading every message he sent to me and making it harder for me to breathe.

"I'm really fucking sorry. I know you probably hate me now and thats understandable. All you've been doing is leaving me on read."

His messages continued to pop up on my screen. I couldn't find the strength to respond to him just yet. But he's wrong. I could never hate him. I love him no matter what and I guess that's the issue here.

"Imagine if we could go back to the night we met but I have the memories and feelings I do right now."

As tears continued to soak my face, neck, shirt, and blankets, I finally responded to him. And as calm amd collected as I sounded, we both knew I was dying inside.

Wouldn't that be something. It's okay I understand where you're coming from. I could tell from the beginning that you struggled with handling emotions, I just wish you would have thought about how you felt more before asking me to be yours. Still, this is going to blow over in a few months or so and by the time you graduate, we won't even remember this happened. I just hope I don't lose you as a friend too.

Midnight already and we're still going back and forth. My head feels like theres a fire within my skull, my eyes are red and puffy and still leaking, my nose is runny and red, and my chest feels like its been shot and stomped on multiple times.

"I did think about it and at the time it was what I thought I wanted. Honestly, I asked you out more because I felt like I had to because I knew how strongly you felt about me. I too hope we can still be friends. But I think it's time we went to bed. Goodnight, Y/N, I hope you're able to have sweet dreams."

That night, after I bid him a goodnights rest, I didn't get any sleep. I cried all night and into sunrise. That day I was stuck in the counselors office as I still couldn't stop crying.

I showed her the messages and she gave me the most sympathetic look I've ever seen someone give me. I must've looked pitiful.

Today, Madara and I aren't friends. At least, I know he wouldn't put it that way. It's been 3 months and although I feel a whole lot better about it, he still feels incredibly horrible about what happened.

He's mentioned to me that throughout his entire life, he's never been closer to suicide that the last 3 months because what happened has been eating away at him. And hearing this crushed me all over again.

He may not consider us friends and we're sure as hell not as close as we were. But I still consider us friends and I still care. I just hope he can start to feel like himself again sometime soon.

A/N: What do you guys think of an angst oneshot book?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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