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Well monster is only a pet human but you don't want to scare him, OK sweety?


Hmm I guess you're right mama, I will go get our food cut up and you can cook it.


Sounds good sweety, oh monster I forgotten to put your collar on you after bringing you home.


Oh OK, I soon let her put my collar on me then I sat down on the floor waiting to eat dinner.


Monster I hope your excited about trying horse steak meat, it is really tasty to eat.


I never had horse steak meat before, what animals do you not eat if you don't mind me asking?


Our family don't eat cows, chicken or sheep meats.


OK, afterwards Kuzunoha called her parents saying she was done cutting up the horse meat for the grill.


Afterwards it was time to eat dinner, the grilled horse meat was finished cooking on the grill so we put our food on our plates to eat.


So monster, do you like the taste of the horse meat?


I do like the taste, I slowly ate more off my plate and drank my water that I was given to me in my water bowl.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and I hope you all have a wonderful sunny day out their today

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