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This feels weirdly nice, our kidnappers soon put us in a tall play room which was filled with stuffed animals and toys to play with.


I'm guessing they're testing us on how much we play with these toys and stuffed animals, other wise I don't have another explanation than they want to see if we can crawl instead of walk to the objects in front of us.

My limbs felt heavy as I fell down onto my stomach hard, ow that hurts!


My sisters and I were feeling our legs go heavy as we started to crawl to the toys, I picked up a stuffed bear.


I picked up a stuffed rabbit


I picked up a stuffed doll


I picked up a toy doll to play with.


Brittany was never good at learning how to walk much since she is slow again, I grabbed a stuffed duck.


I grabbed a stuffed octopus


I grabbed a stuffed fish


I grabbed a shark plush to play with


I grabbed a starfish to play with, it did feel weird to crawl around like babies though and the only way out of the play room is through the door.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and I hope you all have a wonderful sunny day out their today

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