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Their were other metal tables as well and are being occupied by my sisters, some of them had scratched marks and bruises from the humans they had captured.

But I didn't ask questions, each of the 13 female humans had their ankles in a hospital bracelet with their human names written so their new families would adopt them to take care of them.

Mother had five human males in another room, and they would be treated as pets since men on our planet are not superior to us females.


Okay girls please let's start their examination to see if they're all healthy!


I checked Lilian reflexes, her breathing, her eyes, ears, gums and gave her a shot. Lilian is healthy she was missing her booster shot, I did the same to her sisters as well.

After these shots it is absolutely normal that your patients cry, then you give them a pacifier and a stuffy.


My patients were kinda hard to get their examination done because they kept moving, so eventually I got their examination all done.

Lola, Lisa, Lizzy and Lisette only needed a sleepy shot because they're over working themselves.


Brittany, Bailey, bonnie and Brenda examination went okay so I gave them a booster shot because they never had one before.


Suzy what's wrong?


I want to go home!


Well don't worry Suzy you will have a new family that Will love you, OK?


Oh OK, lacy gave me my examination and my shot which was a booster shot that made me cry.


Okay mama I will get the water started for their baths now


Okay, afterwards each of the humans were brought to the bathroom to be cleaned.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and I hope you all have a wonderful sunny day out their today

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