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This is before the adult human babies went to their new families, when mama took us to earth to capture 13 adult female humans it was kinda hard to find them because they work in different shops.

My assignment was to go into a flower shop to pickup a human female named Suzy, she was working at her cash register when I came in.


Umm hello ma'am, what kind of flowers would you want to buy from me today?


I'm sorry, I'm not here to buy lowers but I am here to bring you with me.


Ugh why me, I asked but no answer as she came closer to me and picked me up like I weighed nothing!


After I picked up my target, she tried to get out of my gentle grip on her as she was carried to our ship and gently strapped down onto a metal table.


I was looking around me as I was gently strapped to a metal table, their was a cart that had baby items but they were made for adults?!

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and I hope you all have a wonderful sunny day out their today

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