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The Destiny Clan is a community of supernaturals from around the world. We aim to provide fellowship, training, and a home for all supernatural beings.


- Give a home to every supernatural

We intend on being a fair and respectful clan who gives all members a place to be, without conflict or needless violence.

- Be a leader

The Destiny Clan will be a leader in the supernatural community, providing guidance to all.

- Provide Justice

Our justice system will use all means available to properly track down and properly punish criminals and those who use supernatural powers for evil.


The Destiny Clan is currently planning to manifest our own realm outside of the mundane world, named Elnealin. Elnealin has multiple provinces that each cater to the needs of every supernatural. You'll learn more about Elnealin in the coming chapters.


Our government is lead by the Clan Leader, who is chosen by the Sentinels every 5 years. The Sentinels are originally appointed by the Leader and may vote someone into or out of their ranks.

The Sentinels also run the Ministries, which are departments devoted to specific tasks within the Clan.

- Ministry of Justice

- Ministry of Recruitment

- Ministry of Economics

- Ministry of Defense


We will have our own currency, the Calik. Calik can be earned (in this realm) by recruiting others to the Clan and by limited-time quests.

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