Species of Elnealin

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The species of Elnealin are organized into categories called classes. Each class has multiple species that share a common trait or theme. Generally, each species under a class will originate in a single Province, but can live anywhere. Species have multiple ethnicities and cultural groups localized to specific areas.

The first class of Elnealin is the Anifolk. Anifolk are shapeshifters who can turn from a human form to an animal form, with many possible hybrid forms. They use magic from their paws, tracing their fingers across their palms in certain ways to channel magic.

Anifolk animal forms are generally the size of their human forms, but this can be changed through practicing shifting into different sizes, or by simple genetics.

What specific species an Anifolk may transform into at first is determined by a family lineage. For example, a Harp'yn (bird based Anifolk) family may have the base form of a raven. However, that same family can, with practice, learn to shift into other birds such as a sparrow or eagle.

(Additional species summaries will be added to this chapter as they are created.)

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