Official Schools

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There are currently two government-funded schools planned for Elnealin. The first is the Spark School. It is located in the center of Zomea, not far from the reception. The Spark School is for the learning of those just beginning to master their powers in Elnealin, either new supernaturals joining the realm or young children. Many classes are offered, depending on age and skill level, such as basic shifting and feeding for werebeings and vampires, or elementary level math and science courses. Progressing out of the Spark School is different depending on how you got in. Elementary aged children will continue their education at the Spark School until middle school, where they will likely move to a different school in that same area. Middle and high school students will study at the Spark School until they have mastered their powers, but unlike full adults, they will be required to enroll in a regular school after a year while still taking classes at the Spark School if their powers are not controlled. Schools usually offer catch-up courses for the years students have missed.

The second school is Arcana University. Arcana University is a prestigious and rigorous school for the academically gifted, with a main focus on studying the supernatural through the lens of physics. It is considerably far north from Zomea, on the cusp between the Zomean Metro and Azdrad. The classes offered here are very advanced, but due to the University's prestige and numerous research programs, students will say it is well worth it.

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