Chapter 17

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Kenny finally chooses a song on Monday after school. They start practicing right away. This time it was a song they all knew.

They practice with vocals the first practice day since they all were familiar already, and the vocals on this particular song were harder than on the others.

Leo sits and watches again. He had started taking notes on things that could be improved. He was doing everything he could to help the band. He wanted to be useful.

As Leo jots down notes he notices that Kenny is staring right into his eyes as he sings. This makes Leo feel funny so he does his best to avoid eye contact.

Once they finish the song Leo gives the paper to Kenny.

The paper had general improvement things like tuning and timing. Near the bottom there was a bullet point that just said "Kenny."

Kenny laughs at this and looks at Leo.

Leo is confused, "what? What's so funny?"

Kenny turns the paper around and points at his name. "What's this one about?"

Leo's face gets red. "I... sorry I didn't mean to write that... I'm not sure why..."

Kenny smiles deviously. "Cant get me out of your head after our 7 minutes in heaven?"

"Stop! The others are right there!"

"Oh, they aren't listening. Stan and Kyle are busy getting lost in each others eyes and Cartman is busy making fun of them for it."

"Still... save it for when we're alone."

"Alone you say? Does this mean you want to be alone with me?"

"No. Stop playing."

Kyle yells from across the room, getting both Leo and Kenny's attention.

Kenny gets worried when he sees Kyle and Stan with upset looks on their faces.

"What's wrong?"

Kyle reads his phone. "Uhm... there's a guest judge for finals next month...."

"Oh? Who?"

"It's... it's Tammy."


Kenny walks over and reads Kyles phone.

"Shit... that's not good. She could give us a bad score."

"Dude, we're more worried about you. Are you gonna be okay seeing her again?"

"I'll be fine. It's in the past..."

Leo looks around. "Uh, what? Who's Tammy?"

Kenny doesn't answer so Kyle takes over. "Daughter of a music producer. She used to go here, graduated last year. She's judging the finals, so if we make it there then we have to deal with her."

"What's so bad about her?"

"She's Kenny's ex. They dated for a few years, Kenny was really serious about her but she cheated on him with three other guys. She was the one who got him into music in the first place. Turns out she was just using his talent to get in good with her dads company."

"Oh... I'm sorry, Kenny. That's awful."

Kenny forces a smile. "Like I said, it's fine. It's in the past. I'm sure she's moved on, I have too."

Stan shakes his head. "No, you haven't."

"I have."

"Nope. We know you better than anyone, Kenny. You haven't gotten over her. You refuse to date anyone seriously because you're scared of that same heartbreak. We know you just sleep around. She made commitment almost impossible for you."

"..." Kenny looks down at his feet.

Leo gets worried. He has never seen Kenny distraught like this before. He was learning so many things about him.

Even though it was sad to see Kenny like that, Leo had a feeling deep inside him. He found this damaged display to be cute. He wanted to comfort him, and let him cry in his arms. He wanted Kenny to lean on him. Only him.

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