Chapter 23

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Just before Moop takes the stage, Wendy's band finishes up their song. It was Follow your arrow.

Kenny adjusts the mic so that it's at his height. He looks over to Leo, who is hiding just backstage.

Kenny decides that since Leo isn't in the audience, he wouldn't try to look for any familiar faces. He also didn't want to look just incase he ended up seeing Tammy.

The performance goes well. Kenny throws out some seductive winks and glances to the audience and Stan nails his bass solo.

After everyone submits their votes, they leave. Just the bands are left.

Tolkien gets everyone's attention. "Hey guys, we should all go get dinner at the mall Applebees. To celebrate a job well done, yeah?"

The remaining four bands all agree and go to Applebees. Kenny drives Leo since he doesn't have a ride.

"Buckle up, I have to get on the freeway to get to the mall and I'm not the most confident in my skills there."

"I always buckle up."

"Oh. I don't."

"I noticed. You really should. It's good for you."

"I guess. It's just such a hassle."

"It takes 5 seconds?"


Leo giggles. "Okay. Whatever you say, Kenny."

"Haha, your laugh is so..."

"It's so..?"

"Hmm... soft? Yeah. You have a soft laugh. It's nice. Soothing."

Leo smiles. "I guess I'll have to laugh around you more."

"I'd love that."


After the dinner, Kenny drives Leo back home. He stops in-front of his house.

"Leo, thanks again for today. You really helped. It was nice."

"You're welcome. Are you gonna tell me why you wouldn't look at me afterwards?"

"You looked really sexy. I couldn't look at you or I'd get hard again, and I had to get on stage soon."

"Thought so."

"If you already thought so then why did you ask?"

"Wanted to confirm."

"Hah, okay."

"I guess I should go in now."

"Hold on."

Kenny holds Leo's chin and kisses him for a few seconds.

He pulls back and sits in his seat again. "A thank you gift."

Leo blushes. "Right..."

He gets out of the car. Right before he is about to shut the door Kenny speaks. "Hey, get some rest. I'll see you on Monday. Okay?"

"Okay! Love you, bye."

Kenny's expression changes, "What..?"

Leo's eyes go wide when he realizes what he just said. "Oh..."


Leo quickly slams the door shut and runs inside. He ducks into his room and falls to the floor. The most embarrassed he had ever been.

"No... no no no... I just messed it all up... didn't I? He looked upset... what if he distances himself from me now... no... No I don't want that... damn it!"

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