Chapter 51

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Kenny and Leo arrive at practice together. They walk into the garage where everyone else was waiting.

The three boys noticed something was off immediately. Kenny was energized and enthusiastic, while Leo looked exhausted and had a slight limp.

Stan lowers his voice to a whisper-yell to speak to Kenny. "Jesus, dude! He's a lot thinner than you, go easy on him!"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's obvious you got a bit too excited. Your demeanor mixed with the obvious bite marks on his neck. Anyone would be able to figure out what happened."

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Yeah. Really."

"My bad."

"Don't go breaking the poor guy."

"I won't. Can we be done talking about my sex life now? We have a lot of practice to catch up on."

The band starts playing again as Leo observes. He felt a sense of normalcy, he hadn't gotten to watch a normal practice in a while, and he forgot how fun it was. And how radiant Kenny was.

"I can't believe he's my boyfriend... this is a dream..."


Time passes without much conflict. Kenny and Leo lie in bed the night before the final performance.

Kenny plays with Leo's hair.

"Kenny? Are you nervous?"

"I am, but not for the performance. I'm nervous about how quiet Tammy has been. Tomorrow is the last show... She's gotta be planning something."

"There isn't much we can do about it..."

"I know... just be careful. Okay?"

"I will."

"Good. Also, when I'm on stage, I want you to be in the front row. I want to be able to see you from the stage, I think it helps me perform better."


"You're going back to your house after the finals, right?"


"A bit sad that this is our last night together."

"You're being dramatic. I'll sleep over all the time. At least when my parents will allow it."


"Yeah... I know what you mean." Leo nuzzles his head into Kenny's arm. "Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."




"Dude! You got this! Stop freaking out!" Stan is trying to comfort Kyle.

"No! Theres over a thousand people out there! And I have to sing the most embarrassing thing ever!"

Cartman folds his arms. "Well, get over it quickly. We go on in 15 minutes."

Kenny crouches down beside Kyle. "Just pretend you're in the garage. It's just like practice. I had Leo get a seat in the front row, so just perform to him, like we always do."

Kyle takes a deep breath. "Okay... Okay... I can do this. I can do this!"

"That's the spirit!"

The loudspeaker backstage broadcasts a bell, signaling Moop to take the stage. 

Kenny steps into the spotlight. He can vaguely see silhouettes of what looks like a judge's table. And in the very front and center, Leo looked up at him with a smile.

Bunny - Battle of the bandsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ