Chapter 49

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"It's not fair if I'm the only one though..."

Kenny smirks, "Then let's go to the shower and get rid of all the clothes blocking our view."

Leo grabs Kenny's hand, pulling him into the bathroom and locking the door. He couldn't wait any longer.

Leo crashes his lips into Kenny's. Kenny blushes and reaches around Leo to grab hold of his hips.

Leo pulls away and uses the back of his hand to wipe his lips. He looks at Kenny, who is staring back at him with desperate eyes.

"Kenny... you're like a painting... everything you do is beautiful."

"Do you like art? I'll be your own personal exhibit." Kenny smirks.

"You can be my sculpture. I'll mold that expression in all kinds of ways."

Kenny takes a gulp, his mouth was watering. "If only you could be this confident in-front of other people... actually... no. I'm glad I'm the only one who sees this side of you. It drives me crazy."

"I love crazy. I love... you..."

Kenny smiles, this time with more intimacy and affection. "I love you too..."

Leo blushes and turns away, trying his best to hold in his smile. He turns the shower on.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

Kenny stands under the warm water and sighs, he loved warm showers. "The temperature is perfect... are you coming in?"

"Of course I am."

Leo removes his pants before stepping into the small shower. There was barely room for both of them, but they didn't mind being so close. For what they had in mind, this was perfect.

Kennys face is bright red. Leo sees this and places a hand on his cheek. "Why so flustered?"

"I've never seen you standing naked in-front of me with an erection... I really get to take it all in like this... you're too sexy..."

"I'm supposed to be the one 'taking it all in'."

"All of it, huh? Be careful what you wish for... little temptress."

Leo giggles.

"Haa... so fucking cute... I can't believe it took me this long to make you mine..."

"Me neither. Now let's get you cleaned up before the water gets cold."

Leo helps Kenny clean off his body, rubbing his hands around a bit more slowly than necessary.

Once he is cleaned, Leo helps dry him off before they move to the bedroom.

Kenny looks disappointed. "Are we not doing it..?"

"We are. I just didn't want the water to go cold and us have to stop mid way. I want this to be perfect. Our first time together as a couple."

"I'm not hard anymore..."

"I can fix that."

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