Chapter 39

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Leo starts hyperventilating. He falls to his knees.

"Shit, are you having a panic attack?" Kenny rushes to his side.

Leo nods, breathing frantically.

"What can I do? How can I help?"

Leo just keeps shaking, he can't speak.

"Here, sit on my bed, I'll wrap the blanket around you and get you some water."

Once Leo calms down, Kenny sits next to him and holds his hand.

"Would you mind telling me what happened..?"

" I can try..."

"Take your time."

Leo retells the story of what happened with Bradley and the week leading up to it.

"That's what my nightmare was about that day we slept at Stan's house."

"That makes sense, anyone would be traumatized from that..."

"Are you upset that I've killed somebody? That I... I made him kill himself?"

"Dude, no. I'm mad, but not at you. I'm mad at Tammy for toying with your trauma. The things she said were disgusting. I can't believe I loved her at one point, she's insane."


"Leo, about what she said, it's not your fault. Saying you killed him is ignorant and wrong. It was his choice. You didn't cause it, he was unstable. You can't blame yourself for something like that."

"You really think so? You don't blame me?"


"Thank you..."

Leo's phone dings, making him jump.

Tammy: you're going to regret that, Buttercup.

Leo and Kenny stare at the text.

"Leo, just ignore her, the more you interact, the more she has against you. Just block her."

"Okay. I will."

"And tell me when she tries to talk to you or anything. I'll be on your side no matter what, so don't be scared."


"What's wrong?"

"You can't treat me like this. I'm serious it's too... good. You make me too happy."

"That's what I'm trying to do, just let it happen."

"... but... I..."

"You're going through a hard time. It's okay to use me, Leo. Use me, make yourself feel better. I'm okay with it."

Leo climbs on Kenny's lap, facing him and wrapping his arms behind Kenny's neck. "I'm sorry for this..."

"Don't be. I gave you permission."

"Okay. Thank you."

Leo grazes his thumb against Kenny's bottom lip. He pulls down Kenny's lip and slips his thumb in. Kenny gently nibbles it.

"I really do feel lucky that I get to see this... you're so hot... everyone wants you... but right now you're mine. All mine."

Kenny slides his hands up Leo's thighs and onto his butt. He smiles, releasing Leo's thumb with a strand of saliva. "Then you better enjoy it. Use me, Leo. I'm all yours."

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