Chapter 3: Together

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Reela spent the next few days getting ready. She and Mog went out shopping for something to wear, although Mog can't go with them to the party, she still tagged along for moral support. Jules was hesitant to let Mog stick around at first, but Reela insisted on the fact that Mog is literally too dumb to be a real threat.

When really, Reela just kinda feels bad for Mog. It's in her nature to want to follow orders which led her to blindly follow Avinalyn until they eventually decided to toss her aside and leave her alone in Manatria. Reela's always been uncertain of whether or not she trusts Mog, but at this point, what's the harm? If Avinalyn doesn't want her, then Reela will.

Besides, after Corb and Todo left, Reela's been really in need of a new idiot. Her dad is on edge and right now Reela isn't even sure if she can really trust Jules. So she guesses Mog will have to do to keep her company. And if taking orders from Reela helps Mog feel useful, then she guesses she doesn't mind accepting the help.

After spending way too long picking a dress, Reela and Mog returned to the house to see that Jules is passed out on the couch, and Reela's willing to bet that Cree is sleeping upstairs in Regan's bed. It is getting kinda late, but Reela herself doesn't feel all that tired just yet.

Jules received the invitations yesterday, and the party takes place tomorrow night. So Reela guesses she should spend the rest of her night unwinding and getting herself mentally ready. As excited as she is to attend a fancy party like she used to back in Sage, she still gets a little nervous. It's like a performance. She has to carry herself a certain way to convince the nobles she's one of them. Regan taught her a lot on how to present herself in high society, but it has been a while since she last had to brush up on her skills. Guess tomorrow night will be her test.

Reela pulls her hair out of its ponytail, setting her hair tie on the end table beside the bath in the attic. She steps into the tub and slowly sinks in, reveling in the feeling of taking an actual bath for the first time in what feels like forever. No more bathing in rivers for her, thank you.

The water is warm, which helps relax her muscles. It's not too hot though, so she's able to feel perfectly comfortable as she sinks in a bit further and closes her eyes, when she hears footsteps approaching from across the attic.

Before she can glance back to see who it is – despite already knowing – she's suddenly drenched as water pours over her head and she freezes like a soaked cat as Mog sets down the bucket beside the tub with a proud smile.

"I promised to serve you, New Boss! My old Boss never let me wash their hair, so I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to wash yours!" she says happily and pulls over a stool that looks way too small for a big brawny orc woman to be sitting on.

Reela wipes the water from her eyes and looks over at her. "I... didn't ask you to."

"But you didn't lock the door!" Mog smiles. "Boss—er, Old Boss always locked the door so I couldn't help. I'm just happy you're letting me stay!" she beams.

Reela sighs and sinks herself further into the water. Thank the Dense she's never been terribly self-conscious about her body. Well, maybe she is a bit more now that she's received a number of scars since coming out here. But as her dad has said, scars get bitches. No wonder he has so many. Scars, that is.

Reela sits forward to splash some water over her shoulder, cleaning up the burn scar without looking at it. She traces the healed ridges over her collarbone, her fingers following them back to the top of her shoulder blade, then slightly reaching further to the small section of the scar that lies at the back of her neck, the whole burn essentially making the shape of a hand. Their hand. She just stares down into the water absently before looking over at Mog with a small smile. "Well... If you want to help me wash my hair, I won't stop you."

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