Chapter 4: Seeing Red

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At first, she wants to run over there and punch them in the face. Or hide and pretend she's never seen them before in her life. What, Avinalyn who? Never heard of them.

But once one of the guests steps to the side, their dress becomes visible even from across the room. A long red gown showing just enough skin to stand out in the crowd of sophistication, but the floral patterns embroidered across their chest and sleeves balance things out perfectly between 'elegant' and 'slutty.' Then on top of that they have crimson sashes draped around their hips and shoulders, the silks hanging down to the floor like a bleeding waterfall that pools at their heels. Then their light blonde hair is pulled back, still hanging down their back like Reela remembers but now with an ornate golden hair pin with beads of rubies.

They're... beautiful.

No. It's the dress. Reela just likes the dress. That's it. Nothing else.

Her hands start shaking. Her cheeks warm up.

It starts happening again. Just like whenever she tries to grab her rift shard. Her heartbeat slowly becomes the only thing she can hear before it amplifies everything around her. The glasses clinking, heels walking, voices exchanging pleasantries. The music. Someone stop that fucking music.

Cree snaps his fingers in front of her face and she whips her attention down to him, seeing him watching her curiously. "Reela? You okay? How do you feel—"

"I'm fine," she throws on a smile and holds her head higher. "You're right. We have absolutely nothing to worry about. Now, go find Jules and mingle, try to pick up some rumors and gossip. Keep an eye out for Evelina and Liaro and I'll do the same on the sidelines. Once you and Jules start stalling them, I'll slip away," she says unshakingly and turns back around to face the crowded ballroom, scanning her eyes over the faces to search for the mages they're here for.

No one else.

No one at all. Absolutely nothing else is on her mind aside from the mission.

Cree sighs and slowly nods. "Alright, kid. I'll go find her. But, uh... Word of advice," he clears his throat and leans over to her. "Your face is very red right now."

"It's hot in here," Reela states simply.

"Reela, I'm wearing a full suit and I'm still kinda cold. Your tits are pretty much out, so there's no way in hell you're overheating and I'm not."

"Not my fault I'm hotter than you," Reela huffs.

Cree goes to comment, but just steps back and clears his throat again. "You know what, I'm not gonna touch that one. Just stay outta trouble, kid. Call me over if you need anything," he says and pats her on the back before making his way into the crowd to search for Jules.

Reela crosses her arms and keeps looking around the crowd for Evelina and Liaro. But she doesn't know if they're even here yet. Maybe she should give it some time before they show up.

Her eyes slowly glance back over to where she saw Avinalyn, but they're gone.

She sighs with relief. Good, they're out of her line of sight. They probably haven't left and are just somewhere in the crowd that she can't see, but so long as they remain out of sight, she can put them out of mind.

She sure can.

She unconsciously starts glancing around for any glimpses of red in the crowd, but she instantly stops herself.

She needs punch. Maybe she can pretend it's wine and get drunk on placebo rules. That's how it works, definitely.

Reela takes a deep breath as she starts making her way over to the refreshments table. She ignores that her hands have started shaking even more than when she first saw them. It's almost more unnerving that she can't see them anymore. What if she can't see them, but they can see her? Do they know she's here? Are they here for her?

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