Chapter 14: Water

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Lisa stayed there the entire night, and the two didn't fall asleep until one or two in the morning.

The next day the sun was shining brightly in the sky, but the curtains were closed tightly, and they only opened around 2 pm. It had only been a couple of months into the relationship, so the emotions were still going strong. Jennie was still lying on the bed when Lisa bit her ear. Although she tried to move, she couldn't escape.

"Do you have anything in the afternoon?" Jennie asked, her voice slightly hoarse. She felt exhausted and would not be opening up the shop today.

Lisa helped brush the messy hair covering Jennie 's neck and answered, "No, I should be free all week since the competition has ended."

Jennie didn't have much energy, just hummed, and stopped talking. She wanted to rest for a while and sleep. Lisa didn't bother her, and she lay there beside her quietly.

In deep sleep, Jennie felt something pressing on her body, but her eyes didn't open, so she must be feeling it in her dreams.

In her dream, the two of them were separated, and Lisa was looking for her in a canyon. The valley was densely populated, the ground was wet, the road was muddy and slippery. She waited for Lisa on a nearby hillside and watched as Lisa walked over very slowly even though the distance between them was short. She called out to Lisa frantically and told her to hurry, but Lisa remained indifferent to her pleas.

The dark clouds above them converged together, and rain fell onto the ground, forming a muddy stream. However, Lisa was still strolling without hurry, and the rain-soaked her body, the water dripping from her slender knuckles.

When she finally stepped in front of her, and Jennie hugged her tightly, like a dying man grabbing onto their life-saving cure, refusing to let go. She felt sweat drip down her face, a feeling of surviving a calamity washing over her.

Lisa rubbed a soothing hand across her back, and whispered seductively into her ear, "Jennie..."

Her chest tightened as she woke up, and she tried to calm her breathing. It took her a long time before her mind cleared up and her breathing stabilized.

Lisa had woken up first, cleaned the room, and ordered takeout.

When she felt strong enough, Jennie took a bath first, washing off the sticky sweat on her body.

Around dusk, they went downstairs to walk around when her brother Kai and his wife, Krystal, came to visit.

The two of them just happened to be passing by and wanted to bring some food and see how she was doing.

Jennie happened to be holding hands with Lisa at the moment, an intimate gesture that could not be mistaken for anything else.

Although Kai accepted his little sister's sexual orientation, he still froze upon seeing the two. He thought his little sister was one who was a clear-headed person and that her partner would be someone like her, a stable and mature person. He didn't understand why she was with someone who looked like a student.

After asking a question, he realized that the other not only looked like a student but was a student as well.

Kai's face contorted into a complex expression, but his wife was calm and politely greeted Lisa.

The four people walked up the stairs, and the entire time Kai's brows were furrowed, his forehead twisted. It seems he couldn't approve of Lisa being his sister's lover.

Lisa was 21 this year, and his little Jennie was five years older. Although this wasn't a big difference, the other was still an inexperienced student, one that could easily hurt Jennie. Kai was extremely dissatisfied as he thought of this.

As they entered, Lisa poured everyone a drink. Krystal smiled and thanked Lisa, but Kai still wore a grave expression.


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