Chapter 15: Coincidence

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His wife elbowed him, and Kai dropped his expression. He was, after all a 34-year-old man and knew how to keep up a polite pretense. He continued to chat with Lisa and would not purposely make the other side feel uncomfortable.

Jennie was not good at handling these situations, so he watched quietly from the side. Lisa was sincere and clever in her answers, knowing what to say and how much she should reveal. When asked about her family, she answered that they were in Busan and worked with real estate, but didn't go into the details.

Being young and rich would not help her situation, and would instead do the opposite, making Kai even more uncertain about her. So she tried not to emphasize those two facts.

The conversation went smoothly; at least her brother's disapproval was not too noticeable. Jennie wanted to keep them for dinner, but there was still a Mother Kim and baby waiting for them at home. The couple stayed for only half an hour and then left.

Before leaving, Kai told Jennie, "Don't take her home to visit yet, Mom will..." He hesitated for a while, then said, "She's still too young, wait until your relationship is more... stable."

Jennie didn't need him to say anymore.

Lisa was cleaning the table, and Jennie wanted to comfort her but didn't know what to say. Instead, it was Lisa who made the first move and led her to the sofa, laying her down. She helped massage Jennie's waist and legs.

Last night, they had done it too many times. The result of her overdoing it was a sore body and weak legs, and although she could still walk, a light massage would make the pain more bearable.

"Don't take it to heart." Jennie moved her waist a bit "My brother was just spewing hot air, he didn't mean anything by it."

When she had moved earlier, some of her clothes hitched up, revealing a thin white waist with red patches covering the lower areas. Lisa saw it, and her ears turned red before she pulled the clothes back down.

"Ok, I won't." She whispered, looking away.

Jennie didn't notice anything, grabbed her hand, flipped it over, and massaged her back in turn. Lisa twisted her hands around a bit but didn't stop Jennie as her face burned up slightly.


As time flies, the cool breeze turned into a fierce wind that cuts like a knife. The school had let out for winter vacation, so the shop became deserted. There were no more than two guests a day, so Jennie decided to shut down the shop to avoid wasting ingredients.

Before the end of term, Lisa and a few classmates had applied for some research program at the school and was in no hurry to leave the school. Jennie would visit her and deliver snacks from time to time.

Everyone in the program knew about their relationship, and since the younger generation tended to be more tolerant and open, they didn't treat them any differently from an average couple.

It was unusually cloudy today, and Jennie had nothing to do; none of her friends were free either. So she stayed inside all day, listening to music while practicing yoga. On the way home from buying groceries, she saw the clouds gather together and looked like it was going to rain.

She hurriedly returned home, grabbed an umbrella, and walked to the research building.

When she reached the building, she sent Lisa a message and waited.

Lisa didn't reply, so she was probably busy.

There are also two people in suits and leather shoes outside the research building. They looked like important executives, and the older one had a kind expression, his hair neatly combed. He wore a Cartier watch on his hand, his suit looked like it was personally designed for him, but Jennie didn't recognize the brand of his shoes.

Jennie glanced at them curiously, but she was polite enough to not stare at them directly.

The man noticed Jennie looking at him and didn't mind; instead, he nodded at her in a friendly manner. Jennie returned with a smile and nod of her own.

She waited and glanced at her phone. Lisa hadn't replied yet. The dark clouds were tumbling like turbulent waves, but the rain hadn't started yet.

About a minute later, the clouds cleared away, and the sky returned to a faint turquoise color. At that moment, her phone buzzed. She tapped on the message, 'Coming soon'. It was from Lisa.

At the same time the younger guy in the suit also looked at his phone and then whispered to the older man.


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