Chapter Three

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We ran, legs thrashing, hearts pounding, into the dark woods. It was either the woods or towards the cottages. And we couldn't do that. We would protect those who lived here. Even if we hated living here. Our feet stomped hard against the wet leaves scattered on the ground. It wasn't yet cold enough for the fallen leaves to have frozen, so this meant the conditions under foot were treacherous. Speaking of which, my footing slipped, proving my point.

I righted my balance seconds before I had to jump over a large, decaying tree trunk that lay across my path. A loud thud of feet let me know that the pursuers were onto us. Quick, panicked gasps were sucked into my already stalling lungs. I was fit, rugby practice meant I had to be, but fear tightened the lungs. Trees forged a prison ahead of us, the distorted limbs loomed menacingly above, as the darkness swiftly closed in. White clouds encased my head as I ran.

Why was it suddenly noticeably colder?

Deyna and Phillip were keeping up with my break-neck pace. Good, because I wasn't slowing down. We couldn't. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I heard the sound of a wolf howling.


Wolves lived here?

I'd seen deep set crimson eyes and the puff of breath around midnight black fur as I'd run, my eyes darting in every direction, but I'd thought it was some sort of feral dog. I pushed the pace to try and gain some distance, but it didn't make the least bit of difference even as I pushed my body to its limit, I felt the weight of something pounding hard on the ground behind.

I wouldn't turn around because it was more than likely I would fall, and then the wolf would have its dinner. I could feel the erratic thump of blood pushing through my body. When we stopped, because it was inevitable that we would have to, how were we meant to fight wolves? There had to be more than one. You never saw a lone wolf.

Whipping my head from side to side, I looked around, trying to find an escape route. The moon cast a stream of silver light, but only flecks of it managed to reach the ground. Patches of light created a pale blue glow in areas, but it wasn't enough for us to see where we were going. It slowed us down as I tried to pick out all the obstacles.

Why had we run into the woods?

I was always the first to mock people in films who ran up the stairs at the first sign of danger.

And here I was, running into woods.

A shimmering white light sped past, leaving a glittering trail of stars in its wake.

"This way!" Lester shouted over his shoulder.

Gritting my teeth in anger, I ignored the ghost. The white light and the stars had been Lester, and although I was impressed by such a sight. Who wouldn't be? I wasn't going to follow him.

I ran away from the white beacon, one that rather grudgingly guided the way through the darkness. Panting and jumping over yet another tree stump, I turned to warn the others of the obstacle and nearly stopped with shock. Deyna and Phillip were no longer behind me.

I looked around.

Where the hell were they?

My breath puffed out in front of me as panic twisted in my gut. The growl and excited yip of a wolf who knew dinner time was coming made me dig my feet into the ground and kick off at high speed. I had to trust they'd taken themselves off somewhere safe. I ran and, ignoring the many obstacles at my feet, craned my neck in every direction to see where my friends were. My eyes strained, trying to search within the woods.

You have got to be kidding me?

I caught sight of them.

Running with Lester.

I added my own growl to the ones already sending shivers down my spine.

What were they doing?

I quickly changed direction, heading towards Deyna and Phillip. I caught sight of the biggest tree I'd ever seen laying in my path. Pushing my hands out in front of me and keeping pace, I slammed them onto the trunk and vaulted over it.

As I neared my friends, I could see that Deyna was struggling to keep up with Phillip and Lester. Sports day was not her idea of fun. I was going to help her, and then I caught sight of a wolf.

Its fur as black as night with a striking silver streak running down its spine.

It flickered in the moonlight as the angry animal kicked its paws into the dirt, hunched its hind legs and launched itself at Deyna. With a large wolf on her back, she crumbled and screamed.

I continued to run towards them, but before I could tackle the wolf—because I wasn't that crazy—a bright light suddenly exploded in the woods.

I was abruptly plunged into complete darkness.

For too many important seconds, I was blind. Stopping and no doubt putting my life at risk, I blinked, attempting to move the black spots in my vision. It was at this point that I was able to see that it was Lester who glowed.

Pure white fireworks shot out of his body, hitting the wolf. I ran and came to an abrupt stop next to Phillip, watching as Lester threw himself at the whimpering animal. I cringed. It must feel like a thousand ice picks stabbing your entire body. The wolf howled and jumped off Deyna.

This was our moment.

We jumped into action and grabbed Deyna, pulling her to safety. Panting with fright, we took several steps back. I could see the other wolves closing rank and swallowed.

Why had I searched for trouble?

I'd come here every Friday looking for something.

Well, here it was.

"How about that DVD now, Phillip?" I joked.

Phillip shot a 'this is not the time' glare. I grinned and stepped forward as Lester stood in front of us. I wasn't sure what the ghost could do to help us, but at least he was trying.

Which was strange.

A wolf with russet fur and gleaming eyes charged towards us just as Lester launched more brilliant white sparks. They hit the wolf right in the nose, and I watched as it dropped to the floor, whining.

I hadn't known that drool was a constant feature around its fangs.

Lester edged backwards, which in turn made us move back, I wasn't going to let Lester touch me. I couldn't tell you which was worse. Lester and the ice cold, or the bite from a wolf.

The wolves circled with confident strides. As we took another step back I felt the ground disappear from beneath my feet.

What the hell was happening?

I made an effort to grab a hold of something, but we were plummeting.


We were going to die.

Why the hell had I put my friends in danger?

A gasp left my lips as air whistled past us. Deyna's scream echoed around us, making my ears ring. Before I could make a conscious effort to stop my fall, my body hit hard earth. Unbearable pain exploded within me. Before I could think of our next move, I lost all conscious thought and fell into complete darkness.


It's all happening!!

I think I'd be the one screaming with Deyna!

Thanks for reading



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