Chapter Twenty

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He knew the cost of what he was about to do but he would withstand it for the youngsters. He'd had no hope at the beginning of this quest. There stood a young boy with angry green eyes and unruly blonde hair, and he challenged him over the destruction of his headstone. Stephen's smart mind and temper reminded him of himself. They were very much alike and that was probably the reason behind their connection.

It was one of the reasons anyway.

The fight that had broken his headstone had not been brought back up between them. Yet, they worked well together, despite their troubles.

Deyna had never questioned his innocence, and for that he would forever be grateful. She was a lovely young girl who would grow up to be a beautiful, funny, sensitive woman.

Whatever the result may be from their quest, he would be so grateful to the three brave souls who had undertaken this for a ghost of a man they didn't know, but one they trusted with their fragile lives.

He was going to lead them directly to the very epitome of hell, and for that he would be so very sorry.

He'd shared some of his story with the youngsters and he felt better for it, despite the breaking of the rules, he wasn't sure of the repercussions, but he would deal with them when they came.

Stephen, the tougher shell to crack, finally trusted him.

"You wish it to be this way after everything they have done for you?" He asked. Lester could hear the glee in his voice.

Lester tried to hold back the uncontrollable shudder. He always found himself appearing weak in front of Him, he was so close, did he want to jeopardise everything? The answer came to him straight away.

"Yes," Lester whispered.

Their quest wouldn't be worth it if they starved to death. He wouldn't allow them to feel the pain from hunger as well as their injuries.

"Why should I grant you this when you've broken the rules?"

Lester knew this had been coming and he didn't have an excuse. "It had to be done," Lester responded.

"I don't think I will give you what you require."

"Fine." Lester shrugged. "I will watch them die and your game will end."

Lester turned his back and felt the cold, death black snakes lift from the floor and wrap themselves around him.

"They should learn to do this without eating! They are worthless, little weaklings!"

Lester turned and glared at Him. "They are good people, and they are doing this for me!"

His hand shot through the centre of Lester's chest making him gasp, he was unable to reel back from the grip and it left him panting.

"You are not worth their lives. You are a guilty, old man, who would want to save you?"

"They would!"

And Lester knew that. They did want to save him. The hand squeezed his invisible heart sending him to his knees.

"You will remember who you are speaking to," He hissed menacingly.

Lester bit back his anger. Putting a tremor to his voice, he took a deep breath for effect and said, "Sssssorry."

"Good," He said happily. "Now, here are the goods you requested. I hope they are worth it."

A large sack was thrown at Lester. He wanted to thank them for the sacrifice they were going to make in the near future. He quietly slipped away before He could do anything more damaging. 

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