Chapter Sixteen

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I skidded to a stop at the edge of the camp site, the fire was all but burnt out, it hadn't yet taken advantage of the extra fuel I'd thrown on. I looked in every direction trying to assess what had happened. Deyna was stood behind Phillip, his body shielding hers as she gave her lungs a good workout. His eyes were focused on something else.

Rather than speak, I squinted in an attempt to see what was going on, and slowly stepped towards the two of them. Lester's light helped. I stopped dead, the air in my lungs stalled with shock.

The creatures appeared to be some sort of dog and they stood in their little camp almost like they were strategically surrounding us. I couldn't help noticing that each and every time I nearly broke Lester and found out some truth, something was sent our way.

The lips of the dog nearest Phillip and Deyna were pulled thinly over the sharp fangs, ears were low upon their heads. Growls rumbled, shaking the ground, and making the hairs on my neck stand to attention. The dogs were completely furless, like the sphinx cats. My great gran had once owned one of those cats and I remembered the feel of its skin, it was like hot, sticky rubber in your hand. The wrinkled pink skin of the creature nearest us seemed to stretch as it took up an attacking stance. Its body quivered with excitement, legs positioned ready to run. There was no way we could fight off all these creatures.

Lester's body remained in front, blocking the way of the dogs. Surely Lester knew that if the dogs were going to pounce, they would go straight through him. I admired the fact that the ghost had placed himself in from of us at every sign of danger.

We stepped back as one, forced by the pack of encroaching dogs. Deyna started scrambling around behind us as we neared the fire. She looked liked she was going to jump. The fire wasn't exactly burning brightly but it was too high to jump over. If she did attempt to jump, it would definitely start the attack. We were cornered by eight growling, blood thirsty dogs.

"Lester, what the hell do we do?" I whispered urgently.

Lester turned his head. In that one look, Lester conveyed his thoughts.

There wasn't anything we could do.

I made a quick decision and picked up a large piece of wood from the fire, its end now firmly alight. I waved it in front of the dogs like the maniac I was. The sound from the wood as it moved through the air made my skin crawl. It sounded exactly like the flap of the eagles wings. Phillip followed suit and grabbed more wood. We stepped towards the dogs, yes, we were crazy, jabbing their burning pieces of wood at the furless creatures. Amazingly, they backed away which freed up a little room away from the fire.

I continued to brandish the wood, the fire now billowing as it ate at the wood, but I was running out of options, this had been a good idea for the whole of five seconds but this wouldn't stop the dogs for long. As I moved to grab another piece of wood, something slammed onto the wood, jarring my shoulder but I kept my strong hold on it. The piece of wood was the only thing between me and the terrifying dog. The smell of scorched flesh filled the air but the dog continued to hold on even though the flames were melting its face. What the hell were these dogs? Its eyes glared, daring me to fight.

The dog moved its fangs up the wood, completely oblivious and unfeeling as it left parts of its face smeared on it. I dropped the wood, fearing the next mouthful the dog took would be my hand. The wood bounced on the floor and the dog went down with it. I watched in stunned silence as the dog pawed the wood making sure the flames died. Dogs were intelligent at the best of times, but they didn't do that.

Eight dogs stalked towards us. We were out of options. I took a deep breath; there was only thing for it. "Run!" I shouted.

I grabbed Deyna's arm and watched as Phillip threw his own piece of wood at a snarling dog that was already hot on our heels.

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