~Chapter Seven~ Birthday Candles

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April 20th

It's been a couple of weeks since the party. School seems to have dragged on for so long but it's currently the last day until spring break, then I get to celebrate my birthday tomorrow.

"Bye Ax, see ya later" i shouted, about to open the front door and set off on my walk to school.

"Wait!" He demanded "Axl I don't have time I'm going to be late!" I spun on my heel, rolling my eyes before he spoke.

"I'll drop you off asswipe"he groaned, picking up his keys and heading out the door so fast it almost knocked me off my feet.

"Could you turn that down a bit...I'm trying to concentrate" I whined, messily jotting down in my notebook.

"You're actually such a nerd you know that" my brother chuckled, tapping his hands to the beat of the music on the steering wheel.

"Actually I'm not, I'm writing a note pretending to be you" I mumbled "here could you sign this please?"

"You tryna forge my signature?" He scoffs

"It's not a forgery if you sign it idiot" I shot back, he reluctantly took the pen and paper.

Dear Mr harper

Melody attended a doctors appointment this morning causing her to be late, sorry for the inconvenience.

W.Axl Rose

"What but...your not even late?... I don't get it"

"Hey pull over here" i said

"But this is like eight blocks from school" he replied, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I can walk the rest of the way, it's a beautiful day wouldn't wanna waste the sun" I smiled, grabbing my bag before opening the door.

"But it's literally sunny everyday?"

"Bye Axl thanks for the ride!"

"We'd be so busted if my aunt found out about this" I giggled, handing over the joint to Steven who took a few drags before passing it back to Saul.

"Yeah just wait till you see the look on Mrs Richard face when you show up to her class stoned!" Steven said

"Hey I don't even look that stoned...do I Saul?" I asked the Curly haired boy, turning to face him a wide smile spread across his face as we looked at each other through glossy eyes.

He leant closer to my face, pressing his mouth close to my ear.

"Kinda...but it's cute" he smirked

"Shut up!" I giggled, falling backwards into an even bigger giggle fit.

"Oh yep...definitely stoned" Steven laughed, seeing me double over from laughter.

I sat under the soft glow of the television, scooping up mouthfuls of chocolate ice cream. This time of night highly limited my options on programs, all that ran past midnight was reruns of the same shityt tv shows and MTV so of course I clicked the remote. Black sabbaths music video for Paranoid began to play.

"Hey asswipe would you turn that down!" Axl groaned, walking past me with a glare as he headed to the kitchen.

"Can't you just not be an asshole for like two seconds?" I shot back, placing the lid back on my ice cream tub before walking to join Axl, slipping the tub back into the freezer.

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