twenty two

330 12 7

Qamaris POV
Twenty3 Rec Studios, SE28
17:30 pPM

This drop might as well have fell from the sky in to our laps.

I slow my step to try vet out who is sat behind the desk through the window as much as I can. Ramone on the other hand, just waltzes through the sliding doors with a strawberry Chupa Chup lodged in his mouth bulging through his cheek.  Hand in pocket and hood up. I turn to quickly double check the car parked neatly on the bay then turn back. Despite being no where near our sides we enter reception like we've been here before.

We find a mixed girl at the desk looking bored out of her mind.

"Hello." Ramone draws smoothly at her. He stops at the desk to lean.

She rolls her head up from her phone to look at us, straightens her back and wriggles her mouse around. "Hiya, are you the...? 4:30 booking sorry?"

"Naa we just came to see our guy, said we could pass through."

"Okay. What's his name?" She asks now staring directly at the computer screen.


I'm stood there, fully fixed on the huge Boy Better Know framed portrait behind her head thats collecting dust and slightly tilted. I hear the girl key in all six letters with her acrylic nails as the chime of her bracelets occupy the passing silence.

"Okay, yes. Franco's booking is still active so he should still be on the premises. You'll have to sign in here though if that's alright with you?" She says.

"Calm. Does that mean you're taking my number down?" He responds with the usual smugness in his tone that he would put on when chatting up girls, and I damn near roll my eyes like one. I watch as she slowly fights the grin from her face.

Ramone cracks up. "Don't mind me I'm just being stupid. How do we sign in?"

She rotates the iPad we didn't even notice was propped on the desk-stand around to face us. "Just your name and the time please."

"Might as well sign us both in." I add from where I'm stood.

"Yeah bro."  Ramone glances at me and then jumbles around on the keyboard with his knuckle.

"Okay, Reece. Courtney. I'll show you the lift." She stands up to her feet to reveal all black attire, and soon enough she's escorting us down a quiet and premium carpeted corridor.

"My brothers called Reece." Mindlessly swinging around the 200,000 keys attached to her Rec23 lanyard.

"Oh is it?" Ramone draws the lolly from his mouth, eyeing around the corridor curiously. Between Reece and Courtney, I'm busy wondering which one of us is who.

"Yeah." She chuckles. "Franco will be on the 3rd floor."

"Thank you darling."

"Reece and Courtney?" I snickered checking the time on my phone once we're in the lift.

"They're really all that came to mind I can't lie." Ramone says, gazing curiously up at the brown stain on the ceiling of the lift.

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