Episode 3 - The Avatar's Duty (Attack on Fire Nation - Part 1)

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The streets of the Fire Nation capital were bustling with activity, with people laughing, children running and the usual fuss of any other city.

Damn it, it's hot in here.

No one had seemed to notice the young man and his strange clothes, involved in their own lives. He continued to walk across that strange street from a strange world. The man grunted uncomfortably as yet another bead of sweat rolled down his uniform's neck. A laughing kid ran next to him, and the young man couldn't help but to smile with astonishment.

I guess this is not so different from Liberio, after all.

Behind him, the child stopped as a shadow covered his face and then the entire street. Everyone turned to the sky in silence, the sound of the airship's engine fading any other sound. Everyone stopped, everyone looked with fear on their eyes.

Everyone except Porco Galliard, former Marley Warrior and bearer of the Jaw Titan.

He just bit his hand and with a rumble, and lightning surrounded him.

The silence lasted a few seconds. Then, chaos.

Zuko turned to his bodyguards and screamed, 'Call the city guard, NOW!'

'I'll go get Appa!' Suki announced as she ran away, heading to the stables.

'You, Avatar! You're coming with us,' Jean said as he took his coat off and showed the black and grey armor he was covered in, with strange cylinders on both sides of his hips.

Aang stood in the middle of the staircase that led to the coronation plaza, frozen. His gaze was fixed on the Marleyan aircraft, and as if he hadn't listened to Jean, he hit his staff against the ground, revealing the air-glider.

'I have to protect the city,' he stated.

Katara had reached Aang and was standing behind him. She gave him a reassuring glance. Aang smiled and took her hand.

'If they get the Stone, it's the end!' Jean screamed, trying to reach them.

Zuko stared at Aang from the beginning side of the stairs. The airbender turned to glance back at him and nodded, a silent promise on his eyes

'First they'll have to take me.' The Avatar and his girlfriend took flight.

'Of course he can fly,' Jean cursed.

At that exact moment, two figures fell down from out of nowhere towards the middle of the plaza, setting up a cloud of dust. Zuko closed his fists. The enemies had reached his home.

'Hey, Sparky! What do you say we buy Twinkle-Toes some time?' Toph said, next to him.

Zuko nodded in silence and with a movement of Toph's wrists, the ground lifted both up to the middle of the plaza.

Jean turned to Sasha and Connie. 'We gotta reach the Stone, let's go.'

Sokka frowned. 'And what about me?'

'I hope you don't get dizzy,' was Jean's only answer as he grabbed Sokka's hip and prepared his ODM Gear.

The boy frowned. 'What?'

Zuko landed on his knees, his cape floating behind him. Toph did the same by his side and both benders took their fighting stances.

A few meters in front of them, two human figures were getting up from the ground they had just landed in. Zuko tried to distinguish the kind of enemies they would have to face, but as the dust settled he could see they were... teenagers. He covered his right hand with fire, ready to strike.

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