Episode 15 - The Battle of Ba Sing Se

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Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses. And get this man a boomerang.

The Earth King's last words at the war room reverberated in Zuko's mind as he adjusted the metallic pauldrons of his armor. He stared at his reflection, readying his hair on a strong bun. The Firelord inhaled deeply, closing his eyes. It all came down to this moment, every fall and every rise. Words like honor, freedom or redemption. It all had been leading to this.

'And I'm ready,' he whispered.

The palace's huge staircase was filled with soldiers coming and going, but Zuko could distinguish that blue figure anywhere as he walked down the stairs.


The girl turned at him. She had blue waterbender robes, with pauldrons just like Zuko and a dark cape behind her. At that exact moment Appa landed in the palace's extensive courtyard with a low growl.

'Zuko! Hurry, they are waiting for you at the front line.'

The Firelord nodded and headed towards the flying bison, but before going up to Appa's mount, the girl held his shoulder.

'Hey,' she made Zuko turn. 'Be careful, okay?'

She suddenly hugged him, and Zuko smirked. 'Don't worry, Katara. I'm already scarred.'

They broke away from the embrace and stared at each other. Katara pressed her hand against Zuko's stomach, gently, making the young firebender shiver. 'I wish I could've healed this one completely. I still owe you that.'

She smiled and then turned away. But before Zuko could exactly know what he was doing, he held Katara's hand, stopping her.


The girl turned, a surprised look on her eyes.

Zuko swallowed. 'The thing is you... You are the only scar I'm glad to have. Because it reminds me you were real.' He took a step closer. 'I don't know if we're going to make it out alive, but I had to say it. We're worthy, Katara. We can change our story, and I know that because you changed mine.'

Katara's eyes suddenly opened wide. She realized. But before she could say anything, Zuko had already turned and was taking flight.

'Aw, shut up already,' Zuko whispered to Appa, who just growled, amused.

Katara stared at her hand.

This is it.

That thought crept on Zuko's mind as he walked across the grassy plains beyond the inner walls of Ba Sing Se. His red cape seemed to be floating in the morning breeze. Behind him, thousands of firebenders on battle formations awaited, with a line of Earth Kingdom infantry at the vanguard and the forces of Paradis as cavalry.

Next to the Firelord, Jean walked with his usual seriousness, as if he thought all of this was a bad idea, heading towards a young blond man who was patiently waiting on the other side of the plains. Porco Galliard. There was no one else to be seen, which could only be taken as a bad sign.

The two sides of that Infinity War stood mere feet apart.

'Where are your dear Ackermans?' Porco asked, taunting, as he picked one stone from the ground.

Jean scoffed. 'Did Zeke tell you to ask that? I know Levi wants a rematch.'

'No time for that, I'm afraid. Eren will have that Stone.' Porco replied, calmly. 'So, please, save us all some time and energy and just give us the Sharingan.'

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