Episode 11 - The Other Side of the Ocean

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The airship trembled, making Deku lean against one of its metallic walls.

'Hey, what's going on?' Aang asked as that flying piece of junk they were on began to shake, the sound of thunder all around it.

They had spent an entire day on the airship, and after releasing the jaegerists soldiers and pilots with their parachutes, it had been a rather calmed one. Until now.

'If I had to guess,' Deku said, staring at the window. 'I'd say we are crossing the path to another world.'

A storm was all around them, with clouds covering their view and sudden beams of light illuminating the airship with a thunderous noise. Naruto gave a worried look at the window as the airship seemed to grunt with metallic cry. 'So we better just... Wait, right?'

'If this thing doesn't explode first.' Todoroki added, trying to stabilize himself as the airship continued trembling.

Aang sighed at Todoroki's somber comment. 'It's like having another Zuko...'

Todoroki opened his mouth to protest, but then another tremble, much stronger than any of the one that had come before, made the four teenagers fall to the ground with a surprise gasp. Aang stood up, reading himself to go outside and tame the winds, if necessary.

Then, all of a sudden, the sunlight illuminated the aircraft's bridge, and the ship stopped shaking. Naruto smiled. 'Well, that was easy.'

Then Deku noticed how the landscape started to lower at an alarming fast rate. He turned to the pilot cabin's glass views. It felt more like it was careening for Shiganshina than landing on Shiganshina.

'I think we're here,' Todoroki said, watching as the city got closer and closer.

'Hey, Naruto, you might wanna turn...' Deku said to the clones taking care of the pilot, who were pressing every possible button or plank on the control panel.

'You said you knew how to pilot this, right?' Todoroki asked, alarm on his voice.

The two clones turned at the same time and screamed, 'I never said that!'

'Turn! Turn! Turn!' Deku tried to grab the wheel, but the airship hit the city's surface.

Naruto crossed his hands and as his clones disappeared, conjured a chakra force field surrounding all four as the ship snapped in two and fell to the ruined city's surface. They fell hard, and the airship finally stopped its disastrous course.

'Nice landing. You all right?' Naruto ran over to Aang, Deku and Todoroki, still struggling in the wreckage of what was left of the airship.

Naruto stood up and extended a hand to Aang, as Deku did the same to Todoroki.

'That was close,' said the Avatar, looking around what was left of the ship. 'I owe you one.' He added, no trace of his previous reluctance.

Naruto smiled, but before he could answer, a figure emerged from one of the holes of the airship's ceiling and landed in front of them.

'EREEEEEN!' Inosuke yelled as he threw one of his blades at Todoroki.

With a quick flip of his wrists, a wall of ice stopped the blade, and one second later Shoto punched the floor, immobilizing Inosuke's body up to his hip with ice.

Aang took to the sky, airbending himself and dodging Levi's first blow, who had just appeared with the hissing sound of his ODM Gear. Then, Mikasa came from the other side of the outcropped walls of the ship and tackled Aang, making him land to the ground with a grunt. A second later, the girl rested both her blades on the Avatar's neck, fire on her eyes.

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