~Chapter 1~

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The coldness of the concrete floor started to sink into my bones, and Kolby took his jacket off. He wrapped it around my shoulders, and we watched helplessly as one of the police officers looked around my barn. The other cop walked over to me, and gave me a small smile. " Do you happen to have a picture of your dirt bike? It would help a lot," He murmured.

I looked down at my feet, and Kolby rubbed my shoulder. " Do you have one on your phone?"

I nodded slowly, and took my phone out of my pocket. I handed it to the officer, and he smiled. " Thank you. I'm going to go print this off really quick down at the station and come back to give you your phone."

" Ok," I replied.

The red and blue lights of the cars flashed around the yard as I watched the other cop pulling out a notepad. He turned to me, and raised an eyebrow. " Can you answer some questions?"

I was just about to answer when I was interrupted by a car door slamming. " Kaylie!" Jake yelled.

I jumped up, and he pulled me into a tight hug. I let out a deep sigh, and the officer cleared his throat. " Who are you?" He asked.

" Oh," Jake replied, holding his hand out, " Jake Skye. I'm her older brother."

The officer shook his hand. " Do you know anyone who would've wanted to steal Kaylie's bike?"

Jake looked at me, Kolby, and then back at the officer. " No, but she just won the world Motocross finals, so I'd imagine there would be some people wanting her bike. Generally, everyone around here are nice people."

" And what kind of bike was it?"

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Jake noticed, and stepped in. " Kawasaki KX125 2-stroke. It's the same as mine... Same parts, seat, and everything. Do you want to go see it?"

The officer shook his head. " No. Are all the parts from Kawasaki?"

" Yeah, except the seat. It was bought off eBay from Mike's Customs."

Jake and the officer kept talking, and Kolby nudged me. " You should go back to sleep. Come on."

" What if they need me to answer more ques-"

" Jake has it covered, and it's just bothering you. I can tell. Let's go."

I nodded, and walked back to the house with Kolby. I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall, and it read 5:03am. Sighing, I let Kolby lead me up the stairs and into my bedroom. I crawled into bed, and pulled the covers up to my neck. The bed dipped, and I moved closer to Kolby's warm body. " Will you help me find it?" I mumbled, my voice strained.

" Of course," Kolby replied, wrapping his arm around me.

I closed my tired eyes, and let the darkness take over.


Making my way downstairs sleepily, I heard voices pouring from the kitchen. Sighing, I picked up Shadow at the bottom of the stairs. He purred loudly, and rubbed his head against my chin.

I entered the kitchen, and all heads turned to look at me. In the kitchen, I saw my great grandmother, mom, and dad sitting at the table. Leaning against the counter with their arms crossed of their chests were Jake and Kolby. It was so quiet, I could've heard a pin drop on the floor. " Well?" I snapped.

My parents eyes widened, and Jake looked like he was about to punch someone. " Mom and Dad don't want us to go and find your bike," He muttered.

" I just don't want to see you guys hurt," My mom defended, " You could be dealing with real criminals!"

I let out a forced laugh. " So you expect me to just sit here and wait for the police to find my dirt bike? They may never even find it because they may have other important cases to work on!"

" Why can't you just buy a new bike? You have all that prize money," My dad suggested.

Those 8 words made every muscel in my body tense. Why can't you just buy a new bike, I said to myself, Are you kidding me right now! " I hope you're joking. I don't want another bike, I want mine!" I said loudly, causing Kolby to flinch, " Plus, I'm saving my money for a new car when I get my license!"

My dads face turned a bright red. " Are you going to be buying a Porsche?" He yelled back.

" Cars aren't cheap, Dad!"

Diesel ran up to me, and sat down by my leg. He let out a low growl, and everyone tensed. Shadow let out a hiss, and I narrowed my eyes at everyone. " I'm going," I muttered.

" Where?" My mom asked.

" Out!"

I went outside with Shadow in my arms and Diesel trotting happily beside me. I walked to the barn, and took a deep breath when I saw the empty bike stand. Footsteps entered the barn after me, and I turned around to face Kolby. He looked from me to his bike. " Go," He said.

" What?"

He rolled his eyes playfully. " I know you want to. Go for a ride."

" But what if I break it?" I asked.

" You won't. Everything can't stay bundled up inside you forever. Go for a ride and let yourself relax."

I sighed as I looked from him to his bike. I looked back at him, and ran into his arms. " I'm still going to try and find my bike. They can't stop me and neither can you," I murmured into his chest.

" I can't stop you," Kolby replied, pulling away, " But I know Jake probably could."

I smiled up at him, and he pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away, and put my helmet, goggles, and gloves on while he pushed his bike to the door. I walked over to it, and he kick-started it for me. Sitting down on the seat, he gave me a pat on the back. " Don't go too far," He yelled over the noise.

I nodded, and slowly let out the clutch. Everyone was out on the deck watching me, and my parents were looking at me worriedly. They never fully accepted the fact that I ride, and were always afraid I would end up getting hurt.

I smirked to myself as I flipped the front tire in the air when I drove passed them. " That's my sister!" Jake yelled behind me.

Laughing, I turned onto the road that led to the field.

The Life Of A Motocross Girl 2: GoneWhere stories live. Discover now