~Chapter 6~

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My first day of high school would be tomorrow, and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. Jake had put me in a driving course, and it was every Monday and Wednesday night for 2 weeks.

After the day Mark, Cole, and Ashley came to my house, they haven't bothered us at all. Neither of us have heard from the three of them. We aren't even sure if they're still in Freetown.

Jake pressured my parents into letting me stay at his place and go to school when he went to work. It took a lot of begging, but soon enough, they gave in.

The police still haven't found my dirt bike. It's been driving me crazy not being able to ride. Kolby has been letting me drive one of his old ones, and Jake lets me take his down to Razy's some days. It's just not the same.

" I'm so not ready for high school," I said to Jillisa.

She took another sip of her Starbucks, and shook her head. " Same, hopefully we have some classes together. Is Kolby going to our school?"

I shrugged, and tapped my fingers on the table. " I'm not sure. He told me he didn't know yet."

Jillisa smiled warmly. " Hopefully he'll come."

My eyes scanned the line up of people waiting to order their Starbucks, and I saw Lucia at the back. She spotted me, and solemly waved. " There's Lucia," I said.

Jillisa turned around just as Lucia walked up to our table. " Hey girls," She said.

" Hey! What's up?" Jillisa asked.

" Nothing really," Lucia replied, sitting in a chair beside me, " There's a party at the end of the week. You know, to kick off the school year. You guys coming?"

I looked at Jillisa, and she bit her lip. " Where and when?" Jillisa asked.

" The abandoned house. It starts at 7pm Friday night. Please come! I don't want to listen to Ashley complain about stuff alone."

I burst out laughing, and Jillisa joined in too. Lucia looked at me with a confused expression on her face. " What's so funny? All she talks about is you."

As soon as she said that, my laugh diminished and I glared at her. " What?"

" Yeah!" Lucia said loudly, " To her, you're the chick who stole her man. I tell her to get over herself and be happy about someone for once, but she gets all sassy with me. You and Kolby are actually the cutest couple I know!"

Jillisa let out a snort. " She's so used to getting everything she wants."

I caught a glimpse of yellow outside of the window beside me, and I smiled. " Well, as long as she knows she cant have him. My ride's here. See you guys!"

" Bye!" Lucia and Jillisa said in unison.

I got up from my chair, and threw my garbage in the bin before walking out the main doors. Kolby looked up from his phone, and he leaned off the hood of his car. " Hey," He said, pulling me towards him.

" Hey," I replied.

He pecked my lips and I pushed him away. He looked at me, hurt filling his eyes. " Why'd you do that?"

" My friends are watching," I laughed, pointing to the window.

Kolby turned, and I laughed as he spotted Jillisa and Lucia waving at him. I jumped in the car, and Kolby started the engine. " Your friends are crazy," He laughed, pulling onto the road.

" I know. There's a party on Friday, do you want to go?"

" Yeah! What do you want to do today? I can take us to my place and we can go riding."

" I would love that," I replied, grasping his free hand.


I kick-started the Honda 125cc, and Kolby started his dirt bike. I pulled my goggles over my eyes, and shifted to first. " You can lead," I yelled to Kolby.

He nodded, and drove passed me. I followed him out of his driveway, and down the main road. Shifting to 3rd gear, I drove up beside Kolby. " Dirt back road or field?" He yelled.

" Back road!" I yelled back.

He gave me a nod, and we raced down the side of the road. After 5 minutes, we turned off onto a dirt road. We drove side by side, and I started to feel the familiar burst of energy I got from riding.

The dirt back road went all around Freetown, and ended at the gas station. There were dirt bikers or ATVers constantly using this road since no traffic was present most days. The road also led to dozens of trails through the woods that are all connected somehow.

Turning my attention back to the road, I saw a dirt bike coming towards us. " It's Alex!" Kolby yelled.

We both slowed down, and came to a stop as Alex turned his bike off. " Hey guys," He said cheerfully as I held in the red kill switch.

" Where's your crew?" Kolby asked, turning his bike off also.

" We're done," Alex replied shortly.

I felt taken aback when he said those two words. " Wait, what?"

Alex laughed. " Yeah! Showed up at Mark's house and him and Cole got all in my face telling me to leave. So I said I would be leaving them for good. The thing is: I didn't see anyone working on the renovations that he's supposedly doing."

Me and Kolby glanced at eachother, and I gripped the handle bars. " What's their issue?" I asked, curiousity filling my voice.

" I don't know," Alex admitted, " They seemed pretty on edge when I drove into the yard. They always used to trust me. Heck, I took care of them most times when they got in trouble with the cops!"

Kolby shrugged, and looked around. " They will be sorry they lost you."

" Yeah, well, I better be getting back home. You guys have a nice ride!"

" You too," I replied.

Alex left, and I turned to Kolby, who was staring right at me. The intense glare made shivers go up my spine. " What?"

" I thought whenever you lost your bike, you wouldn't go near another one, let alone ride it," He replied, smiling and pulling me into a hug.

" It's not that big of a deal," I laughed, " I'm a dirt biker. I get the itch to ride even though I don't want to."

" True."

" Let's head back. I got to get the rest of my things ready for school," I muttered, pulling away.

Kolby nodded, and we kick-started our bikes in sync before heading back down the dirt road.

The Life Of A Motocross Girl 2: GoneWhere stories live. Discover now