~Chapter 21~

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I stepped out of my bathroom with a white robe on and my hair in a towel. Walking to my dresser, I couldn't help but smile at what happened earlier on in the day. It felt as if a weight has been taken off my shoulders as soon as the judge made her final decision.

Grabbing a pair of black leggings and a purple hoodie, I went back into the bathroom. I changed quickly, brushed my teeth, then blow dried my hair. I ran a comb through it until it was silky smooth, and applied basic makeup. I sprayed some of my Nicki Minaj perfume on my body, then exited the bathroom.

" Kaylie?" Kolby's voice came from outside of my door.

" Yeah?" I yelled back.

" Can I come in?"

I walked over to the door, and opened it, revealing Kolby leaning against the doorframe. He was wearing a pair of jeans, and a black hoodie. His hair was perfectly done, and showed his blonde highlights well.

" You ready?" He asked.

I looked down at my feet, and then met Kolby's green gaze. " I guess so," I replied.

Kolby smiled, and grabbed my hand. We walked down the long hallway, and down the stairs. Kolby's parents were gone away on a business trip for a few days so we had the whole place to ourselves. They left right after court, without saying goodbye.

We went outside, and I jumped into Kolby's car. I buckled the seat belt as he turned the ignition on, and we made our way to the abandoned house.


" Kaylie!" Jillisa screamed as she ran up to me.

" Hey," I giggled, giving her a tight hug.

We pulled away, and I looked around at the familiar faces in the room. Nick and Lucia were sitting on one chair, and Alex, Kaydon, and Jinx on the couch. Kolby sat down on a free chair, and pulled me onto his lap. The candle in the middle of the room casted shadows across everyones faces as music filled my ears.

" Kaylie?" Lucia asked from across the room, " Want a drink?"

I glared at the bottle of Vodka in her hand, and shook my head. " No, I'm fine," I replied.

" I'm alright too," Kolby finished.

Lucia rolled her eyes. " You two are no fun. Jillisa?"

Jillisa shot off of Jinx's knees, and grabbed the bottle from Lucia. Jillisa drunk? This is going to end well, I said to myself. Jillisa took a large mouthful, and swallowed. She looked at me, and started to cough. " Strong," She commented.

I started to laugh, and Kolby's arms gently wrapped around my waist. " We can leave whenever," He whispered into my ear, causing shivers to run down my back.

" I want to see Jillisa get hammered," I whispered back.

Jinx looked over at me, and smiled. " I do too," He said.

Jillisa snapped her head around, and her eyes went wide. " You want to do what?" She asked.

Jinx bit his bottom lip, and Jillisa sat down on his lap, facing him. She kissed his cheek slowly, and I looked over at Lucia and Nick to see them making out. Alex and Kaydon were on their phones, and I turned to Kolby. " What the hell," I whispered.

" What?" Kolby asked, confused.

I crashed my lips against his, and he kissed back with more passion than ever before. I pulled away, my cheeks warm as I glanced around the room again. " Want to go or stay here?" I asked.

" Go," Kolby replied quickly, " This isn't as fun as I thought it would be, anyways."

I stood up, and Kolby waved at the sober Alex, Jinx, and Kaydon. " We're going, see you guys around," Kolby said.

" Yeah, we're leaving soon too before they swallow each other," Alex replied, tilting his head at Lucia and Nick.

I giggled quietly, and said goodbye before Kolby led me to the back door of the house. We walked outside, the cold wind hitting our faces, and made our way to his car.

The car ride home was quiet, and once we arrived at the house, we both jumped out. Kolby grasped my hand as we walked to the front door, and the light turned on above our heads. Kolby unlocked the door, and I walked inside the dark house. He shut the door quietly, and before I could turn the lights on, he pushed me against the wall. He leaned in, and pressed his lips against mine gently. I kissed him back instantly, and he grasped my hips. I bit down on his bottom lip, and heard him inhaled sharply. He pulled back, and grasped my hand in his as we made our way upstairs.

He led me into his bedroom, shut the door, and turned on a dim light. He turned back to face me, and pulled me close to his body as he pressed his lips against mine. I backed towards the bed, and layed down on my back as Kolby layed down on top of me. He slightly pulled away, and looked deep into my eyes. " I-I don't think I can stop this time," He whispered breathlessly.

" Then don't," I replied.

I gave Kolby a small smile, and he returned it nervously. " Are you su-"

" Yes, I'm sure!" I interrupted him.

Before he could say anything else, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled his lips to mine.



Yeah, I don't write awkward scenes like this haha. So, only a few more chapters to go! I don't think I'm making a third book, but what I was thinking about was maybe making one with Alex's point of view and it will be about all the stuff him, Cole, and Mark have been through. I'm not sure yet. Anyway, bye for now!

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