~Chapter 25-Epilogue~

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I leaned back in the chair as the shadow from the 100 year old tree above me cast shadows across the yard. Kolby emerged from our 2-bedroom 2-story house, and I gave Shadow a pat on his head. Diesel ran across the yard at full speed, and almost crashed into Kolby as he walked toward me. " Diesel!" He yelled as he regained his balance.

I watched my bike in front of me with concern fluttering in my chest. " Jordan!" I said quickly.

" What, Mom?" Jordan asked as he climbed onto the seat of my dirt bike.

" You're going to hurt yourself!"

Kolby laughed behind me, and I pushed over to the side of the chair as he sat down beside me. " He's fine," He reassured.

I moved my eyes back to our newly built house, and felt at ease as Kolby wrapped his arm around my shoudlers. It has been exactly 13 years since I had won the world finals for the Motocross Trials, and we have gotten married since then. Jordan came into our lives five years ago. His hair was the exact same as Kolby's; brown with blonde highlights. He had our green eyes, and my smile. His love for dirt bikes came from both of us too.

" We need to get him a dirt bike soon," Kolby whispered.

" He'll break his neck, Kolby!" I snapped.

" No, he won't. Just look at him. He needs one, Kaylie. Jordan! Show mom what you showed me this morning."

I glared at Jordan in confusion, and he gave me a smile before pulling the throttle of my bike back. " Brap, brap, brap!"

My heart instantly melted, and I stood up from the chair. I grabbed my helmet from beside the tree, and walked back over to Jordan. " Want to go for a ride?" I asked.

Jordan looked up at me with wide eyes, and nodded frantically. I smiled, and turned around to see if Kolby approved. He gave me a smile, and nodded. I placed the helmet onto Jordan's small head, and sat down on my bike, placing him in front of me on the seat. " Ready?" I asked.

" Yes!" Jordan replied excitedly.

I kick-started my bike, and let out the clutch as slowly as I could. As soon as we started moving, Jordan went completely still. What if he's scared of it? I asked myself. I drove around the house a few times in first gear, Jordan's little hands on the chin guard of the bike. I placed his hands on the handle bars, and put my hands over his. The excitement was radiating off of him as I stopped my bike, and turned it off. " Was that fun?" I asked as I jumped off.

I took his helmet off his head, and he gave me a huge smile. " Yes! I want to go again!" Jordan exclaimed.

" Maybe tomorrow," I replied, smiling.

Kolby smiled at me from the chair, and I sat back down beside him. Jordan sat down on the grass, facing us, and looked at Kolby with his eyes bright. " Will you take me to the stream one day?" He asked.

I looked up at Kolby, and he shrugged. " I told him about the stream where I released the fish."

" Oh," I replied, smiling, " You know what Jordan?"

" What, Mom?"

I smiled at him, and sat up. " I have a better idea."


I grasped Jordan's hand as Kolby took his other hand. The cold water in the bag made shivers go down my body as we walked to the stream. We had went to the petstore, and bought $30 dollars worth of $1 and 50 cent goldfish.

Jordan looked down into the water from the stream bed, and a golden fish swam by. Kolby pulled a pair of scissors out of his pocket, and I handed him the bag of fish. He placed the bag in Jordan's blue bucket, and cut the top of it open. He pulled the plastic out, and smiled at me before moving close to Jordan. " You ready?" He asked.

" Yes! Daddy, can I let them go?" Jordan asked.

" Of course," Kolby replied, handing Jordan the bucket, " Just be careful."

I stayed close to Jordan's side as he grasped the bucket by the handle with one hand, and placed the other underneath. He looked at me, his eyes wide, and I nodded slowly. " Go ahead."

He slowly placed the bucket into the water, and all of the fish swam out. We all watched with curiousity as they swam downstream, and Jordan let out a squeal. " That was fun!" He exclaimed.

Kolby picked him up, and Jordan wrapped his tiny arms around his neck. Kolby smirked at me, and pulled me into him too. I kissed the top of Jordan's head, and looked up into Kolby's eyes. He leaned down, and pecked my lips. " Let's go," I whispered.

Kolby smiled, and I grasped his hand as we made our way to his car.



So that's the end! I am making a third book with Alex's point of view on whenever he met Cole and Mark. It will be an extra tho, so I may not update every day. It's called Alex's Truth and the first part was published. Thank you everyone! That's Kolby and Kaylie's house in the picture btw.

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