~Chapter 11~

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I stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of gray sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and my hair in a messy bun. Kaydon leaned off of the wall, and looked me up and down. " Get your eyes back into your head," I hissed.

Kaydon's cheeks turned a bright red, and he took me back down into the basement. I pushed the door open, and spotted a mattress in the corner with blankets and pillows on it. I turned to Kaydon, and he shrugged. " I didn't want you to get sick from sleeping on the ground."

" Thanks, I guess."

I sat on the bed, and Kaydon sat down beside me. We stayed silent for several minutes, until the locks clicked, and the door opened. Ashley walked inside, giving Kaydon a glare before moving to me. She smiled, and I felt every muscle in my body contract. " I was just going to leave to go to Kolby's house. Do you have anything to say to him?" She asked.

" Yeah," I replied, glaring at her, " You touch him, I swear I'll make your life a living hell."

Ashley let out a small gasp, and backed away. Kaydon stared at her with such intensity, it made me look away. " You're that cruel?" He asked her.

" Shut up," Ashley snapped, " I can make Cole and Mark kick you to the curb before you can even say kick."

" I bet you could," Kaydon snapped back.

Ashley's face started to turn bright red, and she stomped over to the door. She slammed it shut, and her angry footsteps headed upstairs. " I'm guessing you don't like her either?" I asked cautiously.

" Nope," Kaydon replied, checking his phone, " Cole's here with your food. I'll go get him."

I nodded, and Kaydon left quickly, locking the door behind him. I sat in silence for a few seconds, until Cole walked in through the door with a bag and water from Tim Hortons. " Hope you like ham and cheese," He said, handing me the food.

I nodded slowly, and took out the sandwich from the bag. I took a bite from it, and stuffed a handful of kettle cooked chips into my mouth. Cole let out a laugh, and I glared at him. " That's attractive," He commented.

" I'm not trying to be attractive," I snapped back, " I'm starving."

We sat in silence, me eating my food and Cole on his phone. Thoughts about what Ashley could to do Kolby were swarming through my head. She could do anything she wanted to do to him.

I looked up at the sound of a door shutting and saw Mark standing by Cole. Once he saw me, his eyes widened. " Why isn't she tied?" He asked Cole.

Cole shrugged. " She asked me to untie her, so I did. She hasn't tried to escape that I'm aware of."

Mark looked at me, unconvinced. " If she tries to escape or hurt you, it's your problem," He said to Cole, even though he was looking right at me.

" I'm pretty sure I can handle her, Mark."

I rolled my eyes as both of them glared at me. " What do you want with me?" I asked, annoyance filling my voice.

" It's not me, it's Ashley that has something against you," Mark replied.

" And what would that be?"

" She wants you out of the way so she can have Kolby," Mark muttered, his eyes clouding with hurt.

That would explain why I'm here, but why would she steal my bike? Maybe she has some grudge against it, I said to myself. " So, what does that have to do with my bike?" I asked.

Cole tilted his head. " She wants you to feel what she felt when you took Kolby away from her."

At that, I burst out laughing. Tears started to form in my eyes, and I wiped them away. Mark's face was red, and Cole was trying to hold in a laugh. " Maybe she's not as stupid as I thought," I said between laughs, " That is actually a good idea."

Mark took a threatening step closer, and my laughter subsided. " Did you just call her stupid?" He asked.

I sat up, and narrowed my eyes at him. " I'd say so."

" You're very lucky I won't take your head off for saying that," He snapped, taking another step.

Cole stood up, and stepped in front of him. " Chill man. Go for a drive and cool yourself down."

Mark stepped to the side, giving me another intense glare. " I'd be glad to," He muttered.

I watched as he left without another word. Cole gave me an apologetic look. " Can you tell he likes her a lot?"

I nodded slightly. " Just a bit. Do you know what time it is?"

Since there were no windows in the main part of the basement, I had no clue what time it was. It felt like it could be 11pm, and I was extremely exhausted.

Cole pulled his phone out of his pocket, and then looked at me. " 11:30pm."

I layed down on the bed Kaydon made me, and pulled the blanket over me. " I'm going to sleep. Make sure Mark doesn't kill me in my sleep," I joked.

" I won't let him," Cole replied, smiling.

He shut the lights off, and left the basement. The locks clicked, and I sighed as my eyes closed without any hesitantion.

The Life Of A Motocross Girl 2: GoneWhere stories live. Discover now