Chapter 12:Ŧค๓เɭץ

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The night was cold. . .as the winds, and sands blow past me I stare at the martial arts school  . .my old home. . .I stare at it for some time before slowly inhaling, then exhaling walking to the door extending a hand to the knob gripping it firmly, before taking out a small key slotting it into the keyhole twisting the door as I slowly push it open stepping fourth seeing the training room, not recognizing the new faces here. . .as their teacher who had seemed be ready to pack her stuff, she soon noticed me speaking up first.

Teacher:"Who the-Hey! What are you doing here!?"

Uriel:"Get out of my way, and you won't get hurt. . ."

Teacher:"Stand back, I got this one."

The teacher demands, as the students listen well, I see her take the southern style stance as I let out a low chuckle at this as I bring up my hands taking a southern stance, seeing her eyes widen we're delightful. . .this is going to be one fun power trip...she quickly rushes fourth leaping into the air driving her fist fourth, I quickly bring up my forearm using it as a wall, stopping her attack she staggered back by the stiffness from my arm before, I return with a palm strike to her face then stomping down on her foot keeping her in place, then smashing my fist into her nose then quickly advancing fourth bringing my elbow pivoting to the side as I crack it against her jaw, she cried out in pain seeing that her guard was low, and her stamina was about to break I grab her collarbone bringing up my  foot, cracking it down onto her knee hearing a snap, and seeing her aura flicker I quickly raise it up smashing it into her pelvis sending her buckling back, I bring my leg up once more then slamming my heel into the back of her skull planting her face to the ground, I stare down at her motionless body, then at the rest of the students.

Uriel:"Anyone else?"

I ask, the room went silent as some student's quickly ran past me, and out the temple while 4 stayed seeming faithful to fight instead of flee, I see them all dart towards me attempting to overwhelm me, I watch a kick come from the left, a claw strike from below, an overhead chop from above, and a fist coming from the side, I stare at them all quickly bringing my hand up catching the first kick then, palming the front of the knee shattering the first student's leg, seeing the incoming claw strike I bring up my foot quickly whilst moving my head to the side to avoid the chop from above, then stomping down on the incoming claw strike then bringing up my forearm stopping the fist, quickly now I spun now leaning back, placing my hands on the ground before cartwheeling back then landing, taking a stance once more there we're 3 student's left as they leapt back panicking now as I lower my stance not having to take them seriously the first one rushes first, spinning as they kicked off the floor bringing their leg down to me I bring up my foot firing it to their gut quickly directing their body to the ground with a heavy crash as the student was on the floor I bring up my leg, then slamming my heel down their skull, a loud SNAP! Echoed through the room, their eyes widened with fear as they stared at their friends corpse as 1 bolted out the door running away, the two seemed to be ready to fight still but it's visible their afraid.

Uriel:"Come on. . ."

The two rush, their not even in sync to be a good challenge as soon as they attack I quickly step back before seeing his attacks he throws a quick punch, that I quickly bring my arm stopping the attack, then shoving it back then quickly, as I notice the other student attempt an attack he preformed a round house kick I duck down, then he leapt up bringing his leg up throwing it down at my head, I quickly push it aside, then leaning down, lunging my fist into his groin, forcing him to buckle holding his crotch in pain, as I was about to finish him off I see an incoming fist I lean my head back then quickly gripping one of the student's wrist then pushing my palm into their elbow shattering it as they cried out in pain i grab their head, quickly snapping it staring at the injured student I bring up my foot jabbing it into his throat crushing his wind pipe, I watch him struggle to breath before ignoring his pleas, I walk to the door pushing it open.

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