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Original CEO ft Enice

Within the beautifully decorated Western-style garden of Phuchaka Palace, the lush greenery of autumn contrasts with the colors of nasturtium flowers, inviting admiration but doing little to uplift the mood of Rachata, the leader of the Puchongpisut family.

 Rachata appears tense, his stern face even more intimidating than usual, indicating that he has something serious on his mind. Sivakorn, Rachata's right-hand man, stands gravely by his side as Rachata holds a document detailing highly ranked national fencers for the upcoming Sovereign King qualifying competition. 

Sivakorn efficiently suggests pre-selecting ten talented individuals, and despite budget concerns, Rachata dismisses them, emphasizing the importance of acquiring these individuals regardless. Sivakorn understands the unspoken rules of power among ruling families and acknowledges his responsibilities accordingly.

"Puchongpisut cannot afford to lose, Sivakorn. Understand the significance," Rachata emphasized. He instructed Sivakorn to gather information on Thawetmetha and Atsawathewathin's choices for the competition to strategize interference. Rachata stressed the importance of ensuring Ramil's victory but cautioned against revealing sensitive information to him. As Ramil approached, Sivakorn announced his arrival with respect. Ramil, addressing his father, reported on the meeting's outcome and mentioned potential changes in competition rules. Rachata then inquired about the palace's entrance and exit protocols.

"Well, Your Majesty, is there something you need?" Ramil's question refocuses the king's attention on the situation at hand. 

The middle-aged man signals Sivakorn to handle the documents related to the novice fencers, offering to arrange for specific individuals if desired. Ramil accepts the documents but delays reviewing them due to personal resentment stemming from frustrating encounters earlier. When questioned by his father about his mood, Ramil responds curtly, expressing his frustration. The king advises him not to dwell on it and emphasizes the importance of competition in life. Meanwhile, Khanin sits in the Royal Palace, finding solace in gazing at the sky to alleviate stress and uncertainty about whom to turn to for support.

Kanin expressed his frustration without waiting for Caran's response. The tension in the air was palpable, even causing hesitation in Cakri. As the sound of thunder signaled an impending rainstorm, Kanin remained seated on the terrace until the first raindrop fell. Taren, a middle-aged man, approached, his serene demeanor masking his true feelings.

 Kanin, respecting tradition, bowed to Taren, their first face-to-face encounter. Despite the tense atmosphere, Taren's gentle words helped ease the tension. Kanin struggled to find the right words, feeling out of place within the palace walls compared to his free upbringing. Taren, understanding Kanin's discomfort, encouraged him to speak freely. Kanin expressed his unease with being confined, feeling unsure of how to adapt to his new surroundings.

"I... I'm sorry for not taking care of you, never knowing of your existence." The father's gesture shows genuine remorse. Kanin sees the vulnerability in their eyes, mixed with a sense of sorrow and concern.

 "It's not your fault, I don't blame you... um... Okay, I admit, it took me a little while to accept it when I first learned about my status. I couldn't understand and thought this competition was ridiculous..." Kanin paused for a moment, thinking he had spoken too directly, but the other person didn't hold it against him and even extended a permissive hand to continue speaking.

 "Please continue." 

"Well... I used to think it had nothing to do with me, but I've changed my mind since last night's dinner..." It was the first night Kanin set foot in Emmaly. 

The Next Prince (ZeeNunew) [Charan&Kanin]Where stories live. Discover now