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Original CEO ft Enice

'Nin, you have to ask yourself...'

'So, are you still anxious?'

The sound echoed in his mind, unsettling him in the large bed.

Kanin blinked, shifting uncomfortably before settling and staring at the ceiling, though he found nothing particularly interesting about it.

Trying to explain the strange feelings caused by changed pronouns was beyond Kanin's grasp. But something lingered, making his heart race.

Maybe Chakri should seek advice from the monk... or not.Or perhaps he just needed more rest.

Taking deep breaths, he brushed aside wandering thoughts, then sluggishly got up to take a shower and tackle his daily tasks.

He tried to push thoughts of Charan aside, focusing on what lay ahead.

Kanin called it the Nostalgia Theory... Whenever he tried to stop thinking about Charan, his thoughts would surge back, often more frequently than he could control. For instance, during his shower or meals, he found himself moving slower without realizing it. Even when talking to the housekeeper, he responded slowly, frustrating them.

Everything felt strange, especially the lump in his chest, and Charan was the main reason for his erratic behavior...Why did it turn out like this? Charan doesn't use formal language anymore, right? And what's so strange about it? Other people call each other various things...

"Your Highness... Your Highness."

"Yes... yes!"

Chakri's call brought Kanin back, his eyes landing on the butler with a puzzled expression.

"Why are you smiling, Your Highness?"

"Am I smiling? No, I'm not smiling, why would I smile."

"Your Highness, you really smiled even though you just said... Your Highness, you've buttoned yourself wrong."

"And why did you just say it now?" Kanin blushed, checking his attire while Chakri grumbled.

After sorting out his outfit, Kanin hurried to the Sovereign King's chamber, as it was an urgent command.

"Young Prince Kanin, the Sovereign King, allows you to approach, Your Highness."Inside the chamber, it was quiet. Though not his first visit, Kanin sensed something different. 

Despite the familiar decor, today the sunlight lacked its usual warmth... 

Sensing tension in the air and the stiffness of those around him, Kanin realized something important was being discussed today.

"Hello, Grandfather." Kanin greeted the elder first, following the etiquette he learned in Emmaly Society 101.

"Please sit down first." The Sovereign King's soft command filled the room as he focused on the documents before him.

Kanin settled into his seat, waiting patiently as the Sovereign King finished signing a document.

Their eyes briefly met, conveying understanding between them.

"Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes, I have."

"Good... Let's get straight to the point."

The shift in atmosphere indicated the conversation was turning serious.

"Do you have something to say?" The Sovereign King raised an eyebrow, prompting Kanin to speak up.

Kanin adjusted his demeanor, appearing eager and ready to communicate.

The atmosphere gradually relaxed as they conversed.

The Next Prince (ZeeNunew) [Charan&Kanin]Where stories live. Discover now