26.Duties of Charan

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Original CEO ft Enice

Charan, impeccably dressed in a tailored tuxedo, exuded an aura of dignity and majesty as he made his way through the bustling crowd at the Royal Palace. The media eagerly sought his attention, requesting permission to take photographs, to which he obliged with a brief pause for the flashes.

Once inside the banquet hall, Charan remained vigilant, scanning the room with his piercing sapphire eyes. His gaze fell upon Prince Kalavin Li, a royal heir from a neighboring country, whom he recognized from previous encounters. Kalavin appeared somewhat bored, sipping on his champagne amidst the lavish surroundings.

Charan recalled the Li family's history of supporting candidates for the position of Sovereign King, speculating that Kalavin's presence at the event was likely related to the selection of a competition team to support. Despite the dull atmosphere, Charan remained composed and focused on his duties as he navigated the social gathering.

 Charan observed as Kalavin skillfully navigated through the crowd, avoiding interactions and seeking refuge in a quiet corner. Meanwhile, Nin's offensive remarks regarding media access irritated Kalavin, but he maintained his composure and decided to retreat from the situation.

As the time for the royal debut ceremony approached, Charan felt a sense of nervousness. His thoughts wandered to recent conversations and realizations, leaving him feeling guilty. However, his attention was soon captivated by the appearance of Kanin Atsawethathin on stage.

Dressed in the same color as the grand piano behind him, Kanin exuded an air of elegance and artistry as he began to play. His performance was mesmerizing, drawing admiration and applause from the audience, including Charan. Kanin's unique interpretation of the love song showcased his talent and charisma, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.

Charan couldn't help but feel moved by Kanin's performance, his heart fluttering in an unfamiliar way. The combination of Kanin's musical skill and royal presence left a profound impact on the crowd, earning him praise and admiration. 

"Absolutely splendid, Young-Lord Kanin." 

"Is it true that he was raised as a commoner?" 

"Such a pure voice. His musical skills must be impressive to watch."Charan couldn't tear his eyes away from Kanin, feeling a mixture of admiration and envy. He admired Kanin's ability to handle various situations with grace, but also felt a pang of jealousy when their eyes briefly met. Despite deliberately pausing in Kanin's line of sight, Charan felt a warm sensation in his chest as Kanin passed by without lingering.

As Kanin descended from the stage and engaged in conversations with other dignitaries, including the Sovereign-King and representatives from neighboring cities, Charan couldn't shake off a feeling of unease unlike anything he had felt before.

Kanin observed Prince Kalavin and Charan interacting, he couldn't help but notice a subtle tension between them. Despite Charan's outward composure, Kanin detected a restlessness in his gaze, a hint of something unresolved. Accepting a glass of wine from a passing waiter, Kanin pondered the dynamics at play, feeling conflicted about his own feelings and intentions towards Charan. 

He found himself torn between curiosity and a desire to maintain distance, unsure of how to navigate the complex emotions swirling within him.

As the music from the orchestra filled the room, signaling the next part of the event, Kanin took a moment to collect his thoughts before gracefully stepping onto the dance floor. With practiced elegance, he followed the rehearsed steps, his mind still preoccupied with the enigmatic exchange he had just witnessed.

He sees Ramil, EvPetai, and even Charan himself stepping in, prepared in thesame manner. People from all around move in and surround them.Now, Kanin stands in the center of the dance floor. In front of him is abeautiful lady who resembles the daughter of a minister. 

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