Chapter 2

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Ada was currently looking up information about the cult and the plaga. While she was reading, she got call and she answered it.

Wesker: "We have an irregularity. The researcher we hired has been discovered by the Illuminados."

Ada: "You must be talking about that vaguely Spaniard. Where is he now?"

Wesker: "He's being held captive in an abandoned factory located south of the village. Until he recovers the Amber, we can't let him die."

Ada: "You don't need to remind me."

Wesker: "You have one more objective. This is about the other guest, Y/N L/N. His performance against the villagers was unnatural. He possesses superhuman strength and speed. Find out what you can about this mysterious guest."

Ada: "You won't have to worry. I may find a way to put him to use."

Wesker: "Perhaps. But if he interfere with our plans. You'll have to find a way to eliminate him."

The call ended as Ada set her device away.

Ada: "Y/N. You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"


???: "Sacrificial lamb. You will receive our most sacred body. It begins now."

Y/N quickly woke up then looked around for a minute.

Y/N: "Whoa. What happened? What did I miss?"

He realized his hands were cuffed and connected to the ceiling.

Y/N: "Oh, that's right. I was caught. How did I let myself get caught? No matter. I can break these easily."

He was about to pull the chain down.

Luis: "Hey, stop it."

He noticed Luis behind him who was also cuffed. His hands were going up to the ceiling.

Y/N: "Oh hey. Where did you come from?"

Luis: "I've been here this whole time senor. You got a name?"

Y/N: "Names Y/N. You?"

Luis: "I'm Luis Sera. Guess you, me picked the wrong spot to vacation, eh?"

Y/N: "I don't know. I'm still liking the vacation so far. All the locals are very nice. They even booked us a room."

He glanced at the ceiling as he moved the chains.

Luis: "Heh. That's one way of putting it. What was all that? Letting them shoot you?"

Y/N: "It was um... It was the last thing they would expect." He looked away.

Luis: "Funny guy, huh?"

Y/N: "Though for some reason, the guy with the dart gun looked a lot like the Author."

Luis: "Who?"

Y/N: "Eh, never mind. It's not important."

Luis: "By the way, what's with the getup? You some kind of super hero or something? Nah, you don't look the type."

Y/N: "Maybe."

He moved the chains more.

Luis: "Don't move around too much. I move when you move. I'm beat up enough as it is."

Y/N noticed that the chains on top were loose.

Y/N: "Someone really needs to fix this place up."

Luis: "Ah, I see you're thinking. I bet you've been in spots like this before."

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