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"You ready to see the Spider Society?" Miguel asks me with what I think is a smile.

"Yeah, that rock guy was kinda cool, I want to be his friend" I speak my thoughts accidentally.

Oh well, here we go, he gives me a watch thing and I place it on my right arm and walk into the hexagonal potal into the world of dimensions.


I'm sucked into a hexagonal tube like structure that's partly translucent, showing a web like world but here every link meets another link and hexagon shows with glimses with what I can only think of is another dimension.

Im thrown out of the world into a wall full on. I look up and realise it's actually a spidey. This is so embarrassing.

"Sorry for uh banging into you, I'm a bit-" He buts in before I could finish.

"You’re the new guy, well girl, everyone's been talking about you and how you beat some of our best and even took Miguel's ego down a notch or 2."He shakes my hand as if I'm some celebrity or something.

"Yeah, I may have webbed him up" I second guess myself but it's true. Now that I think about it, it's funny, this big strong powerful guy got beat by a 22 year old that has a friendship with a robotic spider that magically appears from her suit.

"I'm Maeve by the way, Maeve Parker" I give him a smile.

"Peter,  Peter Parker but I'm always nicknamed B Parker" He smiles back at me.

"How many spidies are there here actually, Mr all muscles and no brain never gave me any details" I start to have a look around not seeing many Spidies at all.

"Uh, who knows maybe 5000 permanent or so, can't really keep track" He starts to look around as well.

"You'll probably need to go see Big Boss Man, follow me" He starts walking off and I'm left a bit confused but jog to catch him.

A door opens and wow. There are beams all mixed up and covered in spiderpeople.
So mamy cool designs.

We continue walking through the crowds and there is a lot, and I think I can see a spidert-rex at one point.

We walk by a guy crying about something embarrassing he did and whining on how he could have done it better.

At the end of this walkway is a massive door similar to the one on the other side of the walkway but this one leads to a massive room filled with technology that I didn't even think was real.

There was cages with what I'm guessing is anomalies captured and either going to be killed or sent back to their world.

I look further out and see this stand thing below a hole in the ceiling, mental note to figure that out later.

Peter takes a turn and leads to a tall, dark, bruding door again.

He opens it and we go through what looks like a engineering project gone wrong, terribly wrong.

"What happened to this room it's like a engineering serial killer person wrecked it badly" I ask looking around.

"Oh it's just Miguel being Miguel. He says that it makes his thing even more dramatic than it already is" peter scoffed out

"What do you mean 'his thing'?" I ask with either a really boring answer or a really dirty answer.

"You'll see it in a moment" He drags me into a room where there it just a platform about 60 foot away in like a void of a room.

The platform starts slowly descending down towards us.

"Is this his thing?" I whisper to Peter.

"This is his thing" Peter replies bck

After about an eternity of waiting and awkward whistling, the platform is now at our level and there is Mr all muscles and no brain staring at an orange screen infront of him.

"This guy is worse than a teenager" I whisper back to Peter and he nods.

Something drops onto my head and I lift it up only to find a baby girl trying to grab onto my hair.

"That's Mayday, she's my kid and absolutely adorable, I have pictures of her you want to see" He asks me whilst I hold Mayday in my arms and she plays with my hair.

Peter pulls out his phone and starts swiping through pictures of her explaining her devious little acts and he finds a newer one and swings over to Miguel.

By now Miguel had turned around to face me but I'm far to occupied with Mayday.

She so cute now I want a kid like her so so so much.

I hear Peter laughing and Miguel talj soem random nonsense. I slowly walk over to them with Mayday sitting on my shoulders whilst I hold her with my hands keeping her safe.

"Miguel, why are you the only spider with no sense of humour, even Mayday has more humour and she's a baby" Peter B rants on walking around Miguel.

Miguel just stares off into some distant world whilst saying, "The fate of the Multiverse-" He gets interrupted by Peter.

"You always say that and you lose me everytime" Peter just whinges on.

Mayday is playing with a strand of my hair and Peter tries to pick her up but she shoots webs at him. She's my child now Peter.

"So Mr all muscles and no brain what are you exactly going to drown us with now" I use my new nickname for him and he just looks offended. I going to have a lot more nicknames for him very soon.

"Lyla do the thing" he speaks to this girl ai thing im so confused.

She just asks him "what thing" she's definitely trying to get under his skin.

"You know the explaining thing that we do for all the new rookies" he just starts waving his hands around, is this guy a secert ballerina or something.

"Excuse you, I am not a rookie" I act offended and hear a giggle from Mayday on my shoulders. I use one hand to act upset and the other to keep Mayday on my shoulders and to not fall

Peter, I'm sorry but Mayday is definitely my kid now.


Toxin - Miguel O'Hara Where stories live. Discover now