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"Miguel will you lighten up?!?"Peter starts I should have brought popcorn for this.

"Miguel, buddy. I'm sorry but you are a massive mood drowner everytime I stand near you all I can feel is this sadness and dreariness from you" Peter starts throwing his hands around like he doesn't care. Peter's very lucky he put Mayday in his sack thing on his chest otherwise I'm taking Mayday and running.

Miguel just starts rolling his eyes alot and a weird feeling makes it's way into my stomach.

"Miguel, Miguel, Miguel. I know you lost like everything twice for a fact and possibly destroyed a dimension in the process but that's no need to be as big as a bummer as you are currently" Peter finishes.

"Wait, what?" I ask so confused yet so interested.


Peter turns to look at me, realising he said something he should not have said in front of me.

"What do you mean 'destroyed a dimension'?" I ask the both of them, stammering out the first bit.

"Uhh-" Is all Peter could get out of his mouth. This is a really tense but also spectacular moment as Peter B Parker is finally speechless for once in his life - that I known him.

"Look, Maeve, there are some things that just aren't meant to be spoken about in-" Peter starts waving his hands around in a confidentless persuading manner whilst I place my hand on my hip and give him the look 'yeah right'.

"Peter. Miguel. What do you mean by the destruction of a dimension and losing everything twice?" I ask just bored of this stalling.

"estúpido" Miguel grumbles under his breath whilst moving a hand to his face.

"I heard that" I shout at Mr Owl'Hara.

The silence continues to drag an awkward moment in the room, lyla disappeared as soon as Peter said stuff about the wrecked dimension.

The small amount of trust I had for these guys is slowly diminishing second by second.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" My voice breaks the silence.

"Fine, you'd only find out later" Miguel breaks the dragging tension and a hologram forms the shape of a dead guy which has a similar resemblance to Miguel but without the suit and less muscular.

"In this dimension we are currently in, I lost my family and when lyla helped me discover multidimensional travelling I decided to see if there was a way I could see my kid again" Miguel starts whilst turning away from me and Peter.

"I found a dimension where the version of me was killed, I took his place and thought it was harmless" Miguel continues his voice starting to break a little as he explains what happened to him.

"There I had a family and I was happy, I didn't understand what was going to happen when I replaced that version of myself. I thought it was all going to be fine." His voice breaks at the end and a tear starts to form in his eye. Peter turned away to hold Mayday in his arms when Miguel looked at me.

"But I was wrong" Miguels eyes darkened and his voice no longer broke it was more of a deep regretful but animostic at the same time.

The hologram changed to a more redish pink setting in what looks to be Manhattan. A spiderman was helping a lady up slowly but an outline aura formed around her and she disappeared into thin air.

I look at Miguel in question then back to the spiderman. He looks so confused as to where this lady he was helping went, he looked back to Miguel whilst people were running for their lives.

Miguel was also running but he was carrying a girl in his arms mumbling that it was going to be okay.

As soon as the words left his mouth the bright light behind him brightened and the spiderman disappeared aswell whilst helping a kid up. I look back to Miguel's hologram and see who I think is the dead version's daughter in his arms slowly vanish as well.

Miguel's hands start shaking trying to find his daughter and a look or horror and loss smothers his face.

The hologram pauses and fade out whilst Miguel walks over to me. I see a tear stain on his face and I feel empathy for him.

"That’s why we don't interfere with canon events, a failed canon event is a death of a dimension" Miguel looks down at me and I can't help but shrink under his gase.

Peter looks down to his arms and sees Mayday sleeping calmly and Peter unconsciously holds her a little tighter to his chest.

"It that what anomalies do, disrupt canon events killing a dimension" I ask Miguel whilst my thoughts go straight to my Peter and Gwen.

"Rarely ever has that happened, so don't worry about your dimension, in the end Peter would have died as the lizard one way or another" Miguel walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

Reality hits me hard, I could have never saved Peter or Alex or Dad ever. A tear falls onto the ground. A small echo makes it's way around the rooms at a very low volume.

"Alex, could he have lived?" I ask already knowing the answer but needing to hear if there was any hope that I had a chance to save him.

Miguel just looks at me with a sorrowful mood and my question is answered.

Alex and Peter and Dad and Mom all would have died no matter what and I could never help them.

Tears flow down my cheeks to my chin and then onto the ground. Sobs leave my mouth but are muffled when Miguel hugs me.

By now Peter had already left us. Leaving the two of us in the dark dreary room embracing in each other's arms whilst the lights slowly dim to a blue hue over the walls and floor.

A/N sorry for the later post I had to learn Spanish on dualingo since I never got to learn it and I gave up twice. Also thank you for so many reads!!

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