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"Lyla do the thing" he speaks to this girl ai thing I'm so confused.

She just asks him "what thing" she's definitely trying to get under his skin.

"You know the explaining thing that we do for all the new rookies" he just starts waving his hands around, is this guy a secret ballerina or something.

"Excuse you, I am not a rookie" I act offended and hear a giggle from Mayday on my shoulders. I use one hand to act upset and the other to keep Mayday on my shoulders and to not fall

Peter, I'm sorry but Mayday is definitely my kid now.


The room lights up into the web I saw previously, and Mayday tries to reach out for the lines shooting around to link into red hexagons.

"So what's this, I mean I vaguely saw this when we walked through that portal thing earlier" I shrug my shoulder whilst walking towards a particular hexagon and Mayday still trying to grab the beams.

"This is what we call arachno-humanoid-polymultiverse" Miguel remarks with that stupid frown on his face.

"Why not call it a Spider-verse or like a Arach-verse, it's so much more simple than that extremely long and boring sciency name you gave it" I roll my eyes whilst dragging the end of 'extremely'.

"Well for starters, 'spider-verse' sounds stupid and so does 'Arach-verse'" Miguel retorts

"You're saying something, what you said was absolute bullshit" I react to his crazy thinking, I have the best name he lost me as soon as he started talking. Did I even ask for the bullshit name he gave, no.

"HEY, no bad language in front of the kids" Peter shouts from who knows how far behind us. I forgot Mayday was with us.

I can see the immediate looks taking place on Miguel's face. Anger, frustration, envy, jealousy and despair.  

Mayday just starts babbling whilst hugging my head, I'm taking her with me. Peter just lost a kid but she's going to have alot of fun and excitement. 

"So what keeps all Spidies similar? Since there is like an infinite amount of dimensions now." I ask 'Mr know it all and give bullshit names' who still has his hands on his hips. This man has some serious issues.

"We call them 'canon events'" Miguel offers. "You mean 'you call them canon events'" I resond knowing that anybody else in their right mind would just say something like 'patterns' or 'coincidences'.

Miguel sighs and places his left hand on the bridge of his nose. Can someone get this guy a therapist, he's a really boring and dreary mood but he is attractive I'll say that.

"Explain these 'canon events' then" I fold mynarms and lean on my right leg just a bit.

"Canon events is where there is a pattern in a Spiderperson's story" Miguel answers and multiple Spiderpeople appear learning over a person on their knees holding the dying person's hand.

"The most common and the first main canon event is the death of an uncle" Miguel looks to the side and I follow to see a young teen boy holding an older man's hand whilst he bleeds out from what look's like a gunshot wound to the chest.

"This happens to every Spiderperson" I look up to Miguel.

"Usually yes, in the manor of holding the uncle's hand whilst he dies in the Spiderperson's arms but some cases have happened where the Spiderperson was not there to hold the hand. Even though this is rare, everytime the uncle dies the Spider always seeks revenge" Miguel explains with very helpful hand jestures.

"Another noticeable canon event is how Gwen Stacy always falls for Peter Parker" Lyla shows a memory of another Spiderman crying over Gwen Stacy.

"I think that Gwen took the whole falling for Peter Parker a little bit too seriously" I point out, shrugging my shoulders.

Miguel just turns his head around fast to look at me. It's like he's an owl to.

New nickname: Miguel Owl'Hara. Im writing that one on his grave if he ever dies tragically.

Mayday just starts to wake up, I guess she fell asleep on my shoulders that entire time. When she's able to talk I'm teaching her all the nicknames I'll have for Miguel.

Peter swings over breaking the small but slowly increasing amount of tension in the room and the hollogram thing of the Arach-verse disappears.

Gwen is going to absolutely love this when I tell her all about it and she better have filled those bedtime stories otherwise I'm going loco on her.

Peter takes Mayday off my shoulders and starts acting all goofy and silly to make Mayday either laugh or fall asleep again, I can't tell but it's adorable.

I smile at Peter and Mayday but when I look at Miguel, he seems all depressed and down. Im personally getting him a therapist one day even if it means that I have to fight the great Owl'Hara with my small yet strong fists.

"Miguel will you lighten up?!?"Peter starts I should have brought popcorn for this.

"Miguel, buddy. I'm sorry but you are a massive mood drowner everytime I stand near you all I can feel is this sadness and dreariness from you" Peter starts throwing his hands around like he doesn't care. Peter's very lucky he put Mayday in his sack thing on his chest otherwise I'm taking Mayday and running.

Miguel just starts rolling his eyes alot and a weird feeling makes it's way into my stomach.

"Miguel, Miguel, Miguel. I know you lost like everything twice for a fact and possibly destroyed a dimension in the process but that's no need to be as big as a bummer as you are currently" Peter finishes.

"Wait, what?" I ask so confused yet so interested.

Sorry for not posting for a few days had to deal with some family issues.

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