Chapter 37: I am YOURS Forever & Always Part 1

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Marriage.... something once feared and yet.... longed think I'd once lost all hope and not so long ago too. The time spent with Nikki and Fox was of course very much needed and for the first time in so LONG, I was surrounded by family. and of course, I had my Micky.... I had some rough spots, and he was right THERE, still is. And that photo shoot, of just a month ago? God, the pictures...I will remember them forever, I will remember that day forever. Mick cheered me up, determined to get me to smile. And he asked me to marry him.... There is NO one I'd rather be with for all time than my alien, so of course I said yes. It was a day of surprises....

Then came Christmas...Christmas Eve, Mick took me to Mars Mountain....and surprised me with Erica's nursery, where some of the photos from the photo shoot were hanging above the crib....a room fit for a Martian princess, sapphire blue colors....warm tones, just adorable as hell and then Mick surprised me even more with...our bedroom, redecorated with my favorite colors but combining both our tastes and after me practically tackling my fiancée, we re-christened our bedroom if you will. Mick is my alien, I've never...known anyone like him, he LOVES me and means it, he does what he does for me BECAUSE he loves me, and I wouldn't be here without the man that saves my life everyday....

Which brings us to now: getting ready to marry the love of my life.... Mick Mars, my Micky. I've missed him so much, we wanted to be somewhat traditional and so...spent a night apart, of course we talked on the phone half the night...still it wasn't the same. So here I am: 6 months pregnant, Nikki a month behind me....and I am nervous as fuck, Erica is moving all over the place.... She's excited, which helps me feel somewhat better.

" ok man?" Vince breaks me out of my reverie, "You're crying..."

I didn't even realize, but now I feel the wetness on my face. "I... I am really nervous...and... Erica's all over the place...and...I.." I broke down. "I never.... thought I'd be h-here."

"But you ARE. You deserve to be happy; Mick makes you happy.... you've.... i mean man, he's never ever...known happiness until YOU. He's never treated anyone period like he has you. And... once you see him the nerves will disappear...." He is right, and I calm down.... eager to see my Micky again and by extension I can feel Erica calm. Vince and I chat, and he helps me fix my long blond mane, a crown of thornless roses in my hair and he helps me with my make-up....and when he is done, it's hard to believe the person staring back at me in the mirror is me. The others have been rotating between Mick and I.... Fox is walking me down the aisle and soon shows up.

"Damn Mick's jaw is gonna fucking drop...but seriously, you look great Eric.... truly."

"Y-You think...he'll like that...I'm wearing a dress? Anything else would be uncomfortable as fuck unless their sweats."

"You look like a Martian Queen, HIS queen. And besides Nikki opted to wear a dress." Fox says the last part dreamily. 

I gulp and take a deep breath, because.... it's TIME, I breathe...and relax, for I shall be united with my beloved in all ways....

January, a winter wedding...January 11, 1994. I shall remember this day and cherish it for all time. A setting...that reminds me so much of Mick....and in fact, its where we had our first date.... the park......i hear the Music, my favorite string version of what Mick calls our song, 'When Love Walks In' a Van Halen song. And then...NOW, my alien comes into heart pounds and time stops...

Obviously, I am slowly making my way up the aisle....and Mick's jaw just as Fox says...his jaw drops, and I smile.... watery, but smile I do....and Mick, is much the same way as me. Both of us crying, neither can bring ourselves to care and after an eternity, he takes my hands in his.

" look so...BEAUTIFUL.... you've always been beautiful.... but damn, you look like an angel." He whispers. "I've missed you so much."

" my beautiful alien, my Martian King. I've missed you too Micky." I whispered back, feeling him place a hand on my stomach.

"She is so calm...and too I bet she's been excited."

"She has." I agree......

The ceremony soon gets underway, Mick and I thought are in our own world.... whispering to one another, our family...OUR family all present, but it's he and i...and Erica, I swear I can feel her joy, my nerves now are gone.

I blink and it's time for the vows, Mick goes first....and if I wasn't crying before, I am now...weeping without shame....

"Eric, my whole life.... I was relegated to the shadows. No one gave me a chance, let me open my heart to them nor gave me theirs. I didn't know what love was, my life was hell...a pain pill addict, an alcoholic. The world saw me as they wanted to: heartless, emotionless...but that's not true, that's never been true. Then there came you.... i met you, by fate.... True, we both wish it had been under better circumstances, but Eric for once in my life I was in the right place at the right time. You were so broken baby, I couldn't leave you...and I felt then, and I do now even more so, you needed someone in your corner, to be taken care of. You deserve happiness.... love...EVERYTHING. You trusted me deep down, and that trust along the way became love. Eric, you taught me the meaning of love, true love...we've taught each other. You SAVED my life in more ways than you know. You're so fucking brave, you've always been. You're funny, you're smart...talented. I am SO fucking proud of you, how far you've come and even at all moments...the lowest and the highest. I will keep my vows and promises to you, forever and always. You are my soul mate, my Martian Queen...the mother of our children. You've given me so much and I love you so much it hurts my love, my dearest love."

"Mick, my Micky. You've never given up on me, ever and I know you never will. I've never known anyone like you, I've never...." My voice cracks, "known love.... care.... until YOU. You've saved every way, from being raped.... you've rescued me, things for me, because you love me, not because there are strings attached, you support me even when I've done things that aren't a good idea. You've FOUGHT for me; you've given hell to those that deserved it for ME. I still have my days and you are right THERE. You gave me a home, a life....and taught me the meaning of love. Every day, I fall more in love with you. I DO deserve happiness, love....and I deserve that with YOU. You've saved me from a lifetime of abuse, of horror, of being unwanted...and now, you've chosen to marry've given me our daughter. I am YOURS Mick Mars, forever & always,"

We're pronounced husband and husband, and Mick carefully leans in and kisses me, taking away my breath and after we part, he gives Erica affection...making me fucking melt. There are cheers, tears...such joy.... absolute joy....

And he and I find ourselves in a car, trading kisses on our way to the reception which Mick planned to surprise me with, and our hands entwine together over my stomach, Erica kicking at our hands. My husband can't quit, my husband.

"We're married Micky.... this...has been the most magical day. Every day is with you."

"I love this...being with you, being yours in all ways Sapphire. And I would have to say, I very much agree baby my world, my QUEEN."

His words bring tears once more to my eyes as once again we lock lips, in this a most loving embrace....

A/N: Eric and Mick are married!! Next is part 2, or the reception and then the following 2 chapters are honeymoon chapters and then....the fall of the house of kiss, aka justice being served for Eric. 

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