Chapter 71: Welcome Home my Beloved Sapphire Part 2

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I find myself waking up with a groan and panic sets in.... I don't even remember falling asleep or how long it's been.... I look around wildly for a moment until I realize: MICK. Mick is lying next me and stirs as if restless and I find myself in tears and it is this which makes my husband wake up and I find myself in his arms, head laying on his chest...feeling his heartbeat as he runs his fingers thru my hair, calming me....

"Shh, Eric...its ok. You're ok. I know your kind of out of it, but I just checked on the triplets, and they are still sleeping. Erica is awake from her nap and is playing with Drew. Fox is looking after them and so is Nikki, well he's resting of course too...but SAPPHIRE, you're not dreaming and neither am I, for you are HOME."

I exhale shakily in relief and the tears fall, "I never thought I'd see how again...but I wouldn't give up till I Did....and did I ever mention how much I love our family? How much I love YOU Micky and our children?"

"I see it and feel it every moment of everyday Eric." And with that I feel his lips against my own, and a moment of contentment before three very loud cries sound over the baby monitor, I carefully leap out of bed, Mick on my heels and we enter the nursery.

"Mommy and daddy are here...and Mommy, MOMMY is home to take care of you and your older sister'll be ok." I soothe them and amazingly they start to calm, their wails reduced to fussing as Mick and I work to change their diapers....and their bedding, well John's bedding, my poor precious son and soon all three are cleaned and changed but then they start to wail again and Mick noticing I am feeling emotional is my absolute and calming rock...

"Eric its ok, I know you're feeling overwhelmed, let me get you in the rocking chair and we'll get Stormy, River and John fed, ok?" Mick proceeds to help me in said chair and I get ready by having a burp cloth slung over my shoulder, a blanket handy and my shirt pulled down to where each precious little baby can suckle, and I am handed: River.... her still wailing, seeming to be the most impatient and I laugh slightly and jump at the speed she latches on to a nipple and begins suckling.

"River here was impatient, wasn't she?" I murmur, River I swear hanging on to my every word and I tell you now I can never get over that.

"Takes after you." Mick teases looking after Stormy and John who fuss eager for their turn and his tone turns tender, "And I love that."

"I do too. I love all four of our babies." Softly.... Before long River is fed, and burped then its Stormy's turn and then John's and after all three are finally fed, they turn red again alarming me as they wail, "Mick? What's wrong?!"

"They just want and need love and attention.... i bet you anything if you sing to them, they will calm." My Alien, he is so right and too is the calming and steadying presence I need. I take a chance and start singing the 'alien' song aka 'when love walks in' favored by their older sister, and with Mick's help I manage to hold carefully all three of my newborns and they calm, they calm, and I find that myself too calming and content......

After I finish, I murmur sweetly to each of them, missing Erica wishing she were here and about that time, a series of knocks sound at the door and her little voice sounds out....

"Mommy? Daddy? Can I come and see babies Pease?" Now who could say 'no' to that? Sure, the hell not me nor Mick....

"Come In Erica..." and it seems I blink and she's at my side, me carefully managing to give her kisses and Mick picks her up and places her in his lap and I See Fox, Nikki and Drew enter the room. "Nikki? Are you feeling, ok?" Fox helps his husband into a chair, fussing over him and somehow everyone finds a seat and Nikki finally answers...

"I should be asking YOU that, I know you still must be really freaking exhausted.... But to answer your question Eric, I am doing well. Fox takes very good care of me, making sure I don't overdo it and that I know my limits....and too if you're wondering the kids, were no trouble. Erica is a sweet girl; all she did was talk about you and Mick and her siblings."

I notice the triplets have fallen asleep so, they are placed for now in their bassinets and I am very reluctant to let them go.... once that's done, I sit back down, Mick helping me as we share a kiss, and everyone watches over the triplets...and the tears they fall, I blink and Erica is in my lap, I hug her to me.

" first day...evening home. I can hardly believe that I am NOT dreaming. And really, I can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support. Its...its just that it means a lot, so much more than words can ever say."

"You aren't dreaming Sapphire and IF you were, either way its REAL my love." My beloved Micky whispers in my ear.

"Eric, I've told you and I'll keep telling you, it's the LEAST we can do. You gave me hope, a miracle at a time when there was NONE.... never doubt how loved you are by everyone....and oh!" Fox is misty but pauses a moment and then says, "Dinner is all taken care of, Crock pots are a wonder, I tell ya AND I made dessert."

"I help daddy!" Drew pipes up, making us all chuckle but not too loud so we don't disturb my precious little alien angels.

"You Did Son, you did. Mommy and I are so proud of you!"

"I marry Ewica, so I need know how cooky!" Drew declares, Nikki meanwhile is smirking widely. He Did in fact learn how to cook, learning by watching Fox and of course he did indeed marry my oldest daughter, Erica.

"That's my boy!" Nikki grins.

"Nikki..." Mick warns, but he is teasing and His eyes.... Oh, his eyes sparkling.

"Way to kill the mood here POPS." Nikki quips.

"Who? Me? Never..." Mick adopts an innocent look, but there is a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

Eventually, we all made our way downstairs...Mick and I holding our precious little alien angels, Erica holding one of our free hands. Drew, Fox, and Nikki following.... The point here is it was a very memorable first day home. It was sweet, bitter-sweet.... there was laughter, there was tears......there was plenty of food, you name it. But most of all? I was surrounded by love, surrounded by family and it was REAL. It IS real...and I was HOME. Home at last.

Everything I'd been thru with Stormy, River, and John...the birth and the aftermath of it and the recovery...well it was all worth it, beyond worth it. Where you next find us, and our extended family will be a few days after thanksgiving or rather the start of December. I will tell you now, our much to be thankful for, I was alive...I was home, I had my beloved Micky, my children, and my didn't matter how exhausted I was, all that mattered was and is my family.

A/N: Part 2 of Eric's home coming, stay tuned for the next chapter! Thank you so much for reading!

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