Chapter 77: My worlds, My Time (2012)

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How do you or rather how the hell do I sum up 12 years...specifically 2000-2012. However, I'll give it my all, my heart really. 2000 was a VERY memorable year being that one of my nightmares came true in the form of Bruce, whom my beloved alien took care of (arrested and Mick kicked his ass), and Mick ALSO paid Gene and Paul a visit and let's say THAT didn't go well and Mick took measures involving lawyers, which lead to even MORE jail time/consequences for my former demons and Mick may have (did) break both their jaws because it turns out THEY KNEW everything which is how Bruce found me again. But yeah, 2000 also saw me give birth to our surprise but no less beloved youngest daughter Ivy Rose Mars and the rest of that year saw raising our families, working on a new album, Mick beginning work on a solo album with me drumming on that. 2001-2011, those years saw our entire family prospering, tours, books written by Nikki about his Heroin addiction, Fox writing about his cancer and how his life turned around because of me and Nikki. My children grew up or were too damn fast for mine and Mick's liking and during those years, their milestones such as learning to play drums (Erica) and guitar (also Erica and Stormy), River and John became interested in bass (River) and art (John), and of course Drew and Erica only grew closer and closer towards their destiny. Mick had more surgeries, and he even had a scare with fluid on his spine, but my alien pulled through, and he and I celebrated that and our anniversaries and our love for one another grew ever stronger.

What hit me really hard about the kids growing up, was when Erica and Drew officially started dating when they turned 16 and having a teen and then teenagers on our hands with her and our other children and what really fucking got me and Mick emotional is when Erica turned 18, she had access to the trust Mick had created for our children all those years ago due to the actions of 'those bastards' as Mick often says....but Erica would use her portion to buy a house, a place of her own...well, THEIR own I should say...her and Drew. My little Martian Princess wasn't so little anymore, I cried for days...Mick did too, but we were and are happy for her. And where you find us is November 2012, fresh off a highly successful co-headlining tour with Def Leppard and home together, minus Erica who was having a date night with Drew...but still my worlds: her and her siblings, all five of my children and my time, my LIFE.

I sigh heavily, lost in thought.... Stormy, River, and John are in the studio hanging out with my beloved alien: Mick and Ivy are helping me fix dinner. I can't BELIEVE that Stormy, River, and John are now 16, Ivy is 12 and Erica is 18...I really miss her, we all do....

"Mom? You're I need to get daddy?" Ivy asks, breaking me out of my thoughts...out of my head which I need, and her expression reminds me so very much of me, as if I am looking into a mirror.

I sigh trying to wipe away my tears, "I can't believe how fast you're growing up, you.... your sisters and brother, and I was thinking of..."

"How much we miss Erica? I miss her too." Ivy says, hugging me refusing to let me go.

I chuckle a bit, "You're just like your father, you just KNOW stuff before I even say it and I love that. All of you take after him you know. You've got his sprit, his heart."

"And YOU'VE got mine Eric." I look up and smile albeit tearfully at my husband flanked by Stormy, John, and River and soon I am in the arms of my alien my head on his chest, listening to his heart, the kids let us have our moment together and I also manage to make sure the food's ok, and it is. "---I felt like you needed me, and well I hate being apart from you for any length of time."

"I know Micky, I know me too...I was really missing Erica....and we all do. I mean I know she calls every day or most every day and she always come over as much as humanly possible. Its hard to watch her grow up and let go.... but I am SO proud of her. Of all our children, I know that they will always need me, always come back just like you." Mick wipes away my tears and seals my lips with his.

"Always, all these years with you...and I told you then and I tell you now, I will never let you go or give up on you, I love you..." he whispers, "Why don't I finish up with dinner and you relax with the kids?"

"Ok, Micky, Ok."

Mick's expression is one of awe, "I love your way of saying 'yes'."

Mick finishes up/works on dinner while I spend time with our four youngest, lots of hugs and laughter, and so much love...and I swear I feel my heartbeat in time with my alien's....

Before long everything is ready and we all sit down to eat and talk, and God...I love moments like these especially since I made my Micky's carbonara, salad, garlic bread and my favorite chocolate cake...

"Mom? Dad? Why do we eat Carbonara so much.... I mean, I love it...but I don't think we've heard the story." John says as Mick and I share a look. They do know about our past, painful as much as it was....

Mick clears his throat and holds one of my hands, "Nearly 20 years ago.... when your mother..." Here he voices cracks and I squeeze his hand, "—Was so broken, so unused to kindness, Well, it was his first day or evening here in our home, I made this for him. and he fell in love with the dish and with me, although his mind and his heart were not yet one. He was still healing, and I make it, because it means so much to him and to me."

"Your father saved my life, he took me in...gave me a home, a place where I belonged, and it turned out it was right by his side. None of my children, ALL of you, would be here if it weren't for him. He saves my life every day, as do all of you." I whisper, tearfully...Mick now holding me and our four youngest gathers around us, holding us in their own way and too I feel that Erica too is here, because I KNOW she knows some how of this moment...she and all my children are after all part aliens.

We do eventually eat or finish eating, the kids washing dishes for my husband and I and Stormy asks...

"Why do the five of us have red hair?"

Mick and I both laugh....

"My hair is red, a ginger color.... though you'd never know because I've died my hair for decades at this point and I ain't gonna stop until I am in my grave." Mick answers Stormy.

"Micky..." I tease and lean in and whisper, "Just wait till later."

"Oh, I look forward to it." Mick whispers back, "I love you, Eric."

"I love you too Mick. So much."

That evening I've just told you of, Erica of course called and told me what I knew in my heart, that SHE knew of the moment her siblings, myself, and Mick...well for that moment we were one, together.

A few more years would pass, funnily enough four years and you will next see my eldest daughter fully embrace her destiny at her wedding to Drew, bring those tissues you will need them.

A/N: A bitter-sweet chapter and speaking of which only one chapter left after this and will I do believe let Erica Michelle take the reins. 

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