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In the dark crevices of the bustling city of New Orleans,a young woman stood. Completely enveloped in the shadows around her,she gripped onto her black hoodie tightly until her knuckles turned right. She peered around herself silently,the paranoia of her situation sinking into her very core. Ever since the coven of Naifeh had been brutally slaughtered by the infamous Klaus Michaelson,she had been on the constant run. Never stopping,knowing if she did,that monster would surely find her and end her.

Sticking to the shadows which had become her friends in the current days,Isa rushed through th bustling city. Bumping into the oncoming tourists who had no idea what kind of death trap New Orleans truly was. In truth New Orleans was one of the most dangerous places in the world for humans,let alone supernatural creatures such as the young woman. Carefully she pressed her back against the cold brick wall before quietly whispering a single prayer to the Goddess Isis. The woman placed her hands together, offering her prayer once again to the great Goddess Isis. Begging she answer her servant's prayer to be saved.

"Your little prayers won't save you,love." Informed a certain vampire who's voice was thick with a heavy accent. To any woman who didn't know any better the would be very charmed by this man. Finding him extremely attractive,and even now he was. The vampire was tall,at least 5'11 and held curly dirty blonde hair and illusive light blue eyes which heavily contrasted with his pearly white complexion. Yet even with the sudden clash of his eyes he was indeed very handsome. Handsome until he wanted something from you,until he wanted you dead. The young woman pressed against the brick wall had seen the handsome man's true colors. How dark and conniving this handsom truly was. He was a demon. A blood thirsty monster bent on destroying anything in his path that did not aid him.

The handsome vampire began to toy with the frightened woman. Carelessly destroying walls and cars merely to increase the fear evident in the woman's mind. She struggled to calm her beating heart before once again praying to her goddess. "Its pointless,love." Commented the devilishly handsome man as he now stood before the trembling woman. Her bright hazel eyes landing on the man's cold blue ones,sending chills down her spine. This man oozed with dark energy,that was clear. It was like a thick miasma that followed the man wherever he walked.

The woman's breathe became stuck in her throat as the vampire now stood a mere few inches from her. All the while running his fingers through her long flowing obsidian and brunette tiped locks. The man smirked towards the breathless woman watching as she trembled violently under his touch. " No need to fret love."The man spoke his accent a strange combination of european which intrigued her. "If you stop fighting unlike your little coven, then all of this will go down smoothly. What do you say,love?" The man questioned his stray hand trailing down her curvy body.

The woman averted her tear filled gaze to the ground as images of her fellow coven began to form. Her mother,her sisters,her friends. All gone,and for what? To protect her,and the family grimore which was strangely enough tattooed on her body? The woman's eyes widened as she recalled the incantations which had been etched into her very flesh at a young age. It never dawned on her that she had her very own secret weapon against this monster. Isa suddenly became very level minded as she began to concentrate on the many spells she had witnessed her fellow coven members chanting from the grimore on her back.

She needed a spell,an offensive spell that would render the dangerous Klaus. Klaus smirked as he whispered words into the young Isa's ear. Words of discouragement which he hoped would force the young woman to submit,but she would not. Isa felt a surge of energy rush though her very body searching for an outlet, and she was ready for it. She was ready to release the dams where power sought to leak from. Isa slowly opened her bright hazel hued eyes boring into Klaus's cold ones. The Arabic word for fire flew from her lips as immediately purple and black flames emerged from her very fingertips before completely engulfing Klaus.

Klaus hissed at the horrid pain,batting at the flames but to no avail. Isa then took the opportunity to run for it,gaining as much distance between her and Klaus as possible. Yet still she could hear the many curses that flew from his mouth. Cursing her name,her very existence, and most of all her coven. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as Isa ran as far as he feet could carry her. Far from her home,far from her family. And most of all far way from the French Quarter of New Orleans. She needed help,she needed someone she utterly trusted to aid her in her escape from Klaus's clutches. Quickly Isa pulled out her phone before typing out a brief yet direct message to the only person she could rely on. Bonnie Bennett. The message was quickly sent off with the words "Naifeh Coven annilated. Help."

Isa couldn't risk sending anymore information only in hopes that her dear old friend hadn't forgotten her along with their 3 year old promise. She prayed to the great goddesses Isis and Nephthys would guide here to her friend,and to her refuge.

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