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Bonnie held onto her sobbing friend,Isa whoms tears had already began to stain her blouse. But it did not matter,as long as she was alive and well. That was all that Bonnie cared about,she contained to comfort Isa who struggled to hold back her cries. After awhile of Isa shedding tears,Bonnie took the opportunity to introduce her friends to Isa. This included Matt Donovan, Elena Gilbert,Caroline Forbes,Stefan Salvatore,Alaric Saltzman,Tyler Lockwood, and of course the tall,dark and handsome Damon Salvatore.

Damon Salvatore was very handsome,standing at a fair 5'10,with a well built and toned physique.He appeared to be at least 24 or 25 years old but something told Isa he was much older than his appearance. Damon had a light complexion with olive undertones. The man possessed dark brown almost black hair which hangs just over his ears which was now styled in disarray. With striking blue eyes contrasting wonderfully against his olive complexion, he was very handsome. That was an understatement. Damon now wore his trademark black t-shirt and boots underneath black jeans,and of course a leather jacket which seemed to tie the whole "Bad boy" look together.

He stood quietly admiring the middle eastern beauty before him. In his 170 years on this earth never had he ever seen any woman as exotic and tempting as this one. Her tan middle eastern skin no doubtly darkened due to the rays of sunlight which beemed over her. Her naturally curly obsidian and brunette tipped locks,which framed her heart shaped face beautifully. Following her lovely locks was her lushes curvy body, one Damon was not quite use to. He quietly observed the woman who began to recover her composure around Bonnie. But Damon realized he wasn't the only pair of eyes that were glued to the middle eastern beauty. He turned to realize the young and hunger filled gaze of Taylor Lockwood who's eyes seemed to eye her up and down.

For some reason this greatly annoyed Damon,and it only seemed to increase when the smug, anger management needing werewolf Tyler walked over to the middle eastern beauty, asking her name. Damon silently cursed himself for not being proactive and making the first move on the newcomer. She flashed her pearly whites wile tossing her obsidian and brunette tipped locks over her shoulder,all the while running her fingers through one of her many curls. "Isa." The middle eastern beauty informed the group as Tyler reached for Isa's hand. Mostly known as his so called"polite slash flirting" gesture. Damon rolled his eyes at the unstable werewolf's attempt at flirting. But surprisingly it worked! He watched as Isa flashed him a brief smile before resting her hand in his.

But suddenly her smile seemed to fade,as fear made its way known into her heart. "You." She breathed before almost falling over a barstool to gain distance between her and Tyler. Tyler along with Bonnie and Elena asked her what was wrong,but Isa refused to answer them. As images of Klaus formed before Isa replacing Tyler's face,anger replaced her fear as Isa began to chant in what Damon was sure was Arabic. And it sounded so lovely rolling off her tongue,but also dangerous. Isa then extended her hand before her,as a horrid cracking sounded throughout the bar along with Tyler's screams.

"Isa,stop!" Bonnie exclaimed, standing before the pained Tyler who's very bones were being broken and rebroken by force. And that force was Isa. "He's just like him okhty! Sired to that demon!" She shouted back to Bonnie,and that's when things began to make sense for Damon. She was a witch,the middle eastern beauty was. And it seemed she was scared of Tyler, possibly because she sensed he was once sired to Klaus. Which also meant that she was being chased by one of the most crazed and blood thirsty Originals of all time. Bonnie shook her head towards Isa,explaining that Tyler was no longer sired to Klaus,hoping to ease her anger and fear. But it only seemed to increase it,Isa slowly took a few more steps backwards to feel her back press against a warm body behind.

Breaking her concentration she turned to meet the light blue gaze of Damon Salvatore who revealed his trademark grin to her. "Bon Bon's right you know? That little Wolfie is a push over. So what do you say about laying off him?" He questioned Isa who continued to stare into his light blue eyes. Isa was immediately captivated by Damon, and began to struggle with her words,for she was not allowed to converse with men. It was her coven's law which she never broke. Isa averted her gaze to the ground,finally finding herself able to fight the urge to stare into those cerulean pools any longer. She found herself rushing back to the safety of Bonnie who soothingly rubbed her back.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Damon taunted the middle eastern beauty with a playful smirk. Isa remained silent,never once speaking a word to Damon. Nor to Tyler who was finally able to conquer wave after wave of pain Isa had inflicted on his body. "She doesn't speak to men Damon." Bonnie informed the so called "eternal stud" who held back a chuckle at the answer."What the hell is that? Some kind of old middle eastern tradition?" Damon teased as Bonnie shot him an annoyed filled glare. "How should I know,that's just the way things are." Bonnie snapped as she ushered Isa out of the grill with Tyler and Damon hot on their trail.

"So that's it? Your just gonna let this trigger happy witch in?" Tyler taunted in an irritated matter,still slightly upset that his very bones were broken. Over and over by force,anyone would be a tad pissed off after dealing with that right? Bonnie rolled her eyes at Tyler's words informing him along with the entire group that Isa was in good hands. And most of all,she would keep her magic in check. "So were just suppose to accept that? There's no telling what she's brought along with her Bonnie,and you know that." Tyler pointed out his index finger pointing straight at Isa who shook her head at his accusing words. To Isa's knowledge she had not left a trail for Klaus to follow her. An even if she did, not a single witch in New Orleans would dare help him.

"Then what am I suppose to do,huh Tyler?" Bonnie asked stepping up tp the tall were wolf who seemed to almost glare at her. "You want me to put her out on the streets with nowhere to go? Is that what you want?"Bonnie countered before feeling a light tug on her shirt sleeve. She quickly turned to see a apologetic Isa who shook her head towards Bonnie. Almost as if she was begging her not to continue this argument any further. Bonnie sighed lightly towards Isa,nodding to her friend before turning her back on Tyler. Tyler remained silent unable to say anything more as Bonnie ushered Isa away from the grill and into the safety of the Bennett House.

Bonnie closed the door to her house behind them,sighing once more to herself. Thinking of the little spat she and Tyler had just had. Sometimes he was just clueless about things. She then turned her attention to Isa whom hesitantly began to take off her sari revealing her lovely obsidian and brunette tipped locks. Bonnie couldn't help but to smile towards her friend,happy that she becoming more comfortable. Isa quietly walked around the entire house taking in the many family photos mostly of Bonnie and her grandmother or 'Grams'. Bonnie's nickname for her grandmother. As Isa ran her fingertips across the glass covering a single photo, Isa couldn't help the tears that began to slither down her cheeks.

The young witch slumped to her knees overcome with the harsh reality that she was indeed alone.Isa shed a batch of fresh tears before being held once again by her dear friend Bonnie who sought to comfort her. But the tears wouldn't stop,and neither would the pain. Isa was the only survivor of the Naifeh Coven massacre. And all her family's burdens now rest on her shoulders.

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