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After a tensefilled day and constant coaxing from Bonnie,Isa finally surrendered herself to sleep. Her mind drifting through the many currents and terrrors of the days prior. It appeared even in her dreams where she sought refuge she could no longer escape from the terrors of reality. Only the image of the fiendish Klaus ripping out her mother's vocal cords, and licking his crimson covered fingers could be seen by Isa. Isa held back a terror filled cry before running towards her mother who was quickly bleeding out on the stone road of New Orleans. Her warm crimson essence becoming a permenant tattoo on the ground flowing to form the covens symbol. The shape of the great Egyptian Goddess Isis. A symbol of the Naifeh' Coven's immense power and affiliation with the goddesses themselves.

Isa knew the symbol all too well, for the many incantations etched onto her flesh in hieroglyphics were indeed in the shape of the winged goddess Isis. Her vast wings stretched out across Isa's back almost in a protective manner. Perhaps Isis herself was the reason that Isa herself continued to live another day. For her coven believed that Isa was the embodiment of Isis, or perhaps the daughter of Isis. That had yet to be determined, in fact the day of the Naifeh massacre was the night where the moon was high. In which Isa would have been crowned either Isis herself or her child. And on top of that would have been given hidden knowledge of the ancients. Knowledge even the eldest of all witches was not aware of.Isa watched as her mother's blood seeped in between her toes which startled Isa.

She released her hoarse cry into the crisp New Orleans air before turning on her heels to run from the evil of Klaus. Running as fast as her feet could carry her,only to be caught by the vampire Elijah. Klaus's brother a more honorable person than Klaus,perhaps Isa could reason with this vampire for her safety. "It appears my brother has gone on abit of a killing spree." Elijah stated fixing the collar on his suit before flashing Isa a reassuring smile. "You have my condolences Ms. Naifeh." Elijah informed the startled Isa who struggled to form words for she knew her next words could either save her life or end it.

"I-I would like to strike a bargain." Isa breathed catching the original's attention. "Is that so? And what is it you would like to negotiate?" Elijah asked his demeanor as calm as ever while Isa's was the complete opposite. "My safety! If I die not only my line but all witch lines would cease to exsist. Which means all magics including what was used to create you will become inactive." Isa explained her nerves on overdrive as Elijah simply sighed "And why should your safety become my priority?" He questioned as Isa bit her bottom lip before speaking once more,choosing her words very carefully. "If I die,the magic you have coursing through your veins will begin to rott in affect making you human. But you will die in a matter of minutes. Think of all the times you have been stabbed with a stake,those deaths will fall on you tenfold." Isa answered causing Elijah's very blood to run cold.

It was true he was an original vampire,having lived countless of human lives in his lifetime. But he wasn't ready to die not yet, especially if it was because of his little brother Klaus's short temper. If he valued his life,he had to make sure this witch lived. But not just for him,for Rebekah, Kol,Finn and the others. Elijah swallowed hard before speaking to the young witch "And what will you have me do?" He asked the young woman before him who on a whim outstretched her wrist for the vampire. Who's mouth immediately began to salivate at the sight of her tiny veins continuously pumping her warm essence through her body. "I will pay you with my blood,the blood of the essence of all magic if you save me." Isa breathed before witnessing Elijah's facial features becoming something truly gruesome.

"As you wish." Elijah breathed before bringing Isa's dainty wrist to his lips. Isa closed her eyes as the feeling on her delicate skin breaking under pressure of Elijah's fangs made itself known to her. She felt her body losing abit of its strength as Elijah drained her very essence from her body catching her off guard. Never in all Elijah's years had he ever experienced such a sweet and alluring bloodbag. He was so captivated her almost was unable to pull away from her inviting wrist. Finding the courage to pull away from the captivating witch,Elijah immediately felt the very essence and strength of Isa rush through his veins. He felt powerful perhaps more powerful than even Klaus.

Elijah then turned his attention to Isa who struggled to stand on the very ground she stood on. Her breathing was ragged and to the point that she could barely even comprehend what happened next. Elijah sighed feeling abit responsible for her current condition scooped the weakened Isa in his arms. Her arms and legs dangling from his grip. Isa groaned in the Original's grip before Elijah began to make his way to the outskirts of New Orleans,where she would be safe until Klaus arrived. "This is as far as I can aide you,Ms. Naifeh. The rest is up to you." Elijah stated gently leaning Isa against a worn stone wall before taking his leave,with her blood coursing through his veins.

Isa struggled to stand only to become eye to eye once again with the devil himself. Klaus. She screamed at the top of her lungs before the images of that night began to ripple away into nothing leaving an infinite darkness. A darkness that Isa struggled to climb out of. Isa screamed to the top of her lungs only to be jolted awake by her own night terrors. Her breathing was heavily labored as Isa gripped onto the pendant around her neck where te symbol of Isis sat,in beautifully crafted red glass. Isa quickly began to mutter a prayer to the great goddess. Seeking her refuge and uttermost love,for that was one thing she desperately needed right now. Love.

Isa gripped onto the pendant continuing to utter her prayer,completely unaware of the young Bonnie Bennett peeking in from the doorway. Observing her distraught friend knowing that the only person who could deliver Isa from the hole she was currently in was Isa herself. Bonnie sighed before closing the door and making her way downstairs to her room where a circle of already lit candles awaited her. "Alright let's do this." Bonnie breathed before beginning to chant a long and complicated cloaking spell, in hopes that this spll would be powerful enough to hide to essence of her dear friend Isa.

"Phasmatos-" Bonnie began as the entire house suddenly began to shudder due to the intensity of two witches. Bonnie gripped onto her nearby bed post for support before continuing the chant once more,feeling a surge of power rush through every cell of her body. Bonnie released a faint gasp as the energy which now consumed her body began to project itself around the entire Bennett home,creating a lovely and faint azure hued barrier which seemed to wrap around the house protecting everything within it. Including the two very gifted witches it held. Bonnie sighed in relief,hoping and praying the barrier she created would be enough. But something told her even she had her limits.

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