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The lone witch Isa gripped onto her black silk sari bringing it closer to her face,hoping to avoid anyone from accurately identifying her. Her blood still pumping after the spell she had cast on the horrid Klaus she was still on edge. Isa knew if he ever caught up with her,it would surely be the end of her and her coven. For good. She hoped to shake those dark thoughts which plagued her mind,before she began to journey to the only family she had left. Tucking away in what she believed was one of the most supernatural hotspots on the planet,was her dear friend and sister Bonnie Bennett.

After receiving the information via text message from Bonnie,Isa felt an instant wave of relief wash over her. Knowing she would have someone and some place to call home. It would be different for her,after all Isa was originally from Egypt. At a young age she and the remainder of her coven suddenly moved to the states,which a vast change compared to her home. It took years but Isa had finally adapted tp her new life in the states,rather enjoyed the vast freedom th people here had. And she was more than happy tp become a part of it,yet she never once forgot where she hailed from. Nor the old traditions which was still a large foothold in the Naifeh legacy.

Isa would usually wear the traditional Arabic attire consisting of a sari of any color,along with the long shirts which always was a staple in the Egyptian society. Even now Isa wore a black silk sari,along with a long shirt called in a style called jigsaw. The shirt was a lovely hue of peach with a pair of slim black leggings and simple black wedges to tie her outfit together. Isa was always determined to stay close tp the roots of her heritage but once in awhile she would dabble in the fashions of the states which she quite enjoyed. She sighed lightly before walking quire a ways from the main roads. Isa sadly had no money on hand and absolutely no way of getting to Mystic Falls. Unless of course she used a little magic.

Isa closed her eyes and began to concentrate,feeling the very essence of the earth itself ripple through her entire body. She felt the familar electric current which a only occurred when she was preparing for a spell. Before the dams which held back her power began to leak,Isa began to chant an incantation in Arabic. Her melodious voice echoing throughout the small area around her before a sudden breeze rushed pass her. A brief smile appeared on her lips before she continued the chant over and over again until a sudden overcoming warmth made its presence known to her.

In truth Isa had never once performed such an advanced teleportation spell,but with the strength of her fallen coven behind her and the grimore etched onto her delicate flesh she had no doubt she could do it. Her smile began to waver as she felt the air and earth rush pass her like a speeding bullet, over and over again until it was nothing but a blur. Isa struggled to maintain her equilibrium, stumbling to her knees as a bright neon sign reading "Mystic Grill" stood before her. Her smile instantly returned,as Isa swallowed the dry heave which began to form due to the spell.

She quickly rose to her feet and dashed to the building,opening the door to be welcomed by a surprisingly not so busy room. In fact the grill itself only consisted of a seven people who stared towards her in both confusion and interest. Yet among the seven only two people seemed to stand out which of course was Isa's dear friend Bonnie Bennett. Her mocha flawless complexion,emerald with a hint of hazel hued eyes and a welcoming smile. And a sudden tall and dark handsome who stood with his arms across his chest. A playful grin was evident on this stranger's face, a grin which both intrigued Isa and also annoyed her.

For the moment Isa ignored the devilishly handsome man before running towards her dear friend and sister Bonnie. Her arms outstretched for Isa as Isa almost collapsed in her arms,her eyes brimming over with tears. Bonnie cooed her friend running her back reassuring her she was safe. But even with Bonnie's sweet words Isa knew better, as long as she was alive Klaus would come after her. Until he breathed his last breath her life would be a living hell until the day she too took her last breath.

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